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Status Updates posted by BadserverBadPlayersl

  1. I feel like ive been betrayed by Olympus 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. proud
    3. BadserverBadPlayersl


      We back to how It used to be mike???? @ proud

    4. proud


      oh i thought u was someone else my b jitt

  2. Goodbye cocksmokers 👋

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. CaloomClark


      Hmmm do i upload it

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Upload it pussy

    4. BadserverBadPlayersl


      @ Grandma Gary  he won’t do anything monster doesn’t ask him to do 

  3. #free soverign i always knew  @ Ryan  wasnt solid like that but shes solid like that

  4. #free big John

    I always knew mako wasnt solid like that 

    1. Karma


      you have stockholm syndrome hawkg, it's ok you're safe now buddy

    2. BadserverBadPlayersl


      what could this possibly mean?

  5. #freesov 

    I always knew marcus wasnt solid like that 

  6. @ -Shawn-  dont get caught lacking l vitaly is on the hunt for your people 

    1. FaXe


      @ T o b y watch out buddy.

    2. ben-


      @ T o b y  youre a nonce wtf?

    3. -dante-


      I gotta say man, the amount of space in your brain dedicated to thinking about potential pedos is concerning. You’re safe 🙏🏼

  7. Happy birthday   @ nicole  Hopefully the celebrants got two cakes, one for you and one for the fam 

  8. Going to be taking a break from arma a bit. Talking to girls and making money is very time consuming I hope you guys understand 

    1. buckie


      maybe that money can buy u a netipot 

    2. Tman15tmb


      Save some for me 

    3. syndrome


      hell yeah brother

  9. Nothing like making money and chasing hunnies . U should try it some time @ XnavrasX , that is if u aren’t too old 

    1. Rufus


      Well said 

  10. Man the ufc judges tonight are about as gay as @ -Shawn- . Must suck to suck 

    1. Grizzly


      @ XnavrasX  Do you feel replaced by @ -Shawn- ???

  11. Man it must really be irritating to comment something then immediately see a downvote right next to it. It’s Almost like someone’s deliberately tarnishing your reputation @ -Shawn-

    1. Millennium


      I thought crybaby was reserved for big john only @ Grandma Gary

    2. Benne


      the shoe fits @ Millennium

    3. Linka


      @ -Shawn- srry out of likes 

  12. @ -Shawn-  @ Kyle  @ollson please post more so I can continue mass down voting you

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Benne


      This is weird coming from someone who boasts publicly being an arma 3 veteran, real chubby cheek of you retard https://imgur.com/a/BpBmTbK

    3. BadserverBadPlayersl


      @ Benne  Didn’t know a steam profile bio is boasting. Sounds like someone’s feelings are hurt. I’m sorry I’m good at the game

    4. BadserverBadPlayersl


      And if u can’t sense the sarcasm written into that bio then u are truly  mentally impaired and I feel sorry for u. If u start reading some books you might catch up to your peers 

  13. @ -Shawn- becoming an aegis pocket admin is a new low is this breaking the rules faggot? 

    1. nicole


      during pride month... wow...

    2. BadserverBadPlayersl


      No such thing as "pride month"

    3. -dante-
  14. You’ve been reported mate enjoy the forums account while it lasts @ Focuss

  15. @ silton  happy birthday  have a good day bro

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