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i bring out your insecurit

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Status Updates posted by i bring out your insecurit

  1. Lol I don't know what you guys want me to say, I am sorry for how I used to act.


    whether I like it or not it's a fact I grew up with this shit, it holds a special place. ☺️

  2. propah scouza that is m8

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. CaloomClark


      Ahhhh what was your name back then mate

    3. i bring out your insecurit

      i bring out your insecurit

      I literally have no idea lmao 🥶 its whatever. lets get the memes running again sometime

    4. CaloomClark


      Yes mate send me a message in game some time

  3. keep smoking your 20$ eighths with that 9$ an hour lieutenant bahaha


    i feel so bad honestly 🤣

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. jig
    3. Cooper:P


      Sooo what happen to us not being worth ur “bull shit” haha

    4. Monks


      someones cop app was denied

  4. @ Cadenn stuttering virgin, one of the nicer ones.


    @ 1thedoc learn how to drive a motorcycle and not be a cunt.


    @ Cooper:P I genuinely feel bad for you. ginger. destined to fail. GG

  5. @sAPD I don't blame you for not wanting to speak, the anti social and lack of ability to critically think are pretty evident amongst the majority of you when spending more than 10 minutes with any of you. You are all shaky voiced soyboys who come on here to try and know what it feels like to actually matter 🤣


    Everyone ever who has spoken shit about how corrupt, jerky, and cliquey you bunch of egoistic keyboard pussies are has totally been justified. 


    Thanks for reminding me why I left ArmA 😆 and good riddance, playing with a few people on here is not worth your kid's bullshit 👍

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. i bring out your insecurit

      i bring out your insecurit

      @ jig  this shit is your life buddy, 🤣🤣






    3. jig



      yeah man this shit is my life

    4. Mako


      3x blacklists in a little over a year, complains about people SAPD being corrupt, jerks in a clique and keyboard warriors but literally ruins experiences for other people because you're too inept to understand rules that a 13 year old could and types up some paragraphs attacking them. Good luck in life lmao.

  6.  hop on this before your mainstream friends kids

    1. mrs nesbitt

      mrs nesbitt

      knife talk carried

  7. i thought ur prof pic was some random at the capital incident nvm.

  8. rip 90,000,000 to casino


    don't gamble

  9. That boy SPBojo!!!! SPBojo for president!!!!!

  10. Congrats on Chief, well deserved candidate.

  11. Someone on olympus ratted my PC and I have to hard reset it! Thanks!


    Retard. Took 13 minutes of logging on my PC to find it.


    P.S.  gonna back track it and where it was pinging too 🙂

  12. @rabid


    Beta male new padding trash bag.


    most hated sergeant on sAPD.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Monks


      i keep my forums open in the background lol i hear the notis

    3. i bring out your insecurit

      i bring out your insecurit

      @Monks there I gave you virtual karma shoo shoo

    4. Monks


      ahhh yes thank you and goodbie

  13. Lol thought you were someone else nevermind

  14. Happy birthday.


    One of the best chiefs ever imo.

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