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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Phizx

  1. I don’t necessarily agree with the decisions that had been made but regardless:

    Shoutout to @G.O.A.T. for making the APD what it has become and doing his job when it comes to Chief duties. So o7 bud , we’ve had some great laughs in the 2 some odd years since we’ve met 

    o7 to @EatMeth as well even though we weren’t that close of friends

  2. Phizx


    My mans just offered paypal on the forums
  3. 47dc0500415c215a7b735819ba85c070.png

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nurse Lou

      Nurse Lou

      If thats true u should perm him

    3. proud


      ok who fucking doesnt?

    4. JebronLames


      bet its pineapple pizza too. faggot.

  4. If you guys don't congratulate me on PO after all this sweat I am going to off myself as well

    1. Phizx


      @G.O.A.T. Blood sweat and necks

  5. Vote cha boi for Civ Rep :)

  6. Phizx


    shut up and get on your knees whore
  7. Because they never change their names xd
  8. 15 mill when I get unrestricted Kappa
  9. Me telling you "might have to" doesn't mean "tell Peter regicides backing out"
  10. Apparently people like making decisions without me, Regicide never dropped out
  11. Regicide looking for a couple more people to fill the roster, msg me on forums

    1. Majed


      arent you in prime?

    2. Ryan


      didnt regicide disband?


    3. Phizx


      Regicide is still fighting gw

  12. Prime comes back fast enough already.. Don't need them to have a second life as well xddddddd
  13. https://gyazo.com/b5d13e47af2b30ed5fe3889d386fcece Yeah, I'll take it
  14. And the ting go skrra

  15. Won't really be a gang-wars if its not GANG-wars if you get what im tryna say. Deff gang vs gang
  16. Peace and love my friends @Pete Malloy
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. proud


      rip dabesteva 

    3. i Andrew

      i Andrew

      @Garrett  i miss you homieeee all homo

    4. Garrett


      i'll probably be back from college around thanksgiving my guys

  17. Regicide is back up boys, feel free to apply or message me on steam :)

    1. Corbaaan


      Regicide? were is centurion

  18. Have a good one Pete, I'll see ya tonight :D

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