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OG Doc

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Everything posted by OG Doc

  1. ^Wrong ^Correct
  2. Did you not read what I wrote before you quoted me? Medic's aren't allowed to return if they are rdm'd just for the hell of it, they are allowed because they play a crucial role for a lot of players. Not true, we get NLR reports on medics too.
  3. The exception applies to medics because if one medic is on duty and they are rdm'd then anyone in that city would bleed out because they can not return. If a medic is caught breaking nlr not only do they get banned they also lose their whitelisted role.
  4. Really, where does it say that?
  5. Sorry we took an hour to resolve your first player report, we will try better in the future.
  6. Collectively we did over 1300 tickets for June....
  7. They don't need to ask for comp or say anything, don't break the rules and you wont get banned. Submit a ban appeal, the forums is not the place for this. Drama posted the link above
  8. I did but @Grandma Gary broke it when he got rid of the hidden bars :p
  9. no balls
  10. You can change the theme and why does it need to make a noise, you don't know that you're pushing the button?
  11. Can't argue 1 or 2 #3 You Americans have "Canadian Bacon", here it is called Bacon...... #4 Nobody here cares about curling, only Hockey #5 Bagged milk is more convenient, takes up less room and is recyclable. We also have cartons. #6 I agree but it's better then spanish #7 You guys have a state named "NEW Mexico", need I say more #8 Dafuk is a Canadian Sweater????? #9 This is what a Mountie actually looks like #10 "Eh' isn't an accent, it's a slang term. We had a country wide meeting and unanimously decided we would all use one word so we couldn't be mistaken for americans
  12. If you watch it slowed down you literally hit him once in all those shots....you fired the first 6 bullets over his left shoulder
  13. Yes
  14. That would fall under the "weeks" category
  15. @Lucki Fastest Butterfly


  16. Because then people wouldn't even need to leave their gangsheds to kill ppl at cap
  17. As it was mentioned before, we have 3 different servers and can not be everywhere at once. Submit player reports and we will deal with any offenders.
  18. Quit killing the servers! 

    1. -dante-


      Id be a worthless admin tho, Im the friendly population control!

    2. DashTonic


      @Doc can I borrow a sucide vest so I can get kill off to

  19. That pretty much happens once a month... 01/01/2017, 02/02/2017....etc ....maybe layoff the biscuits gary
  20. @Ignis can you upload the video of Peter singing, Dont have access to my pc right now
  21. Easiest way to find out, submit an appeal and either it will be accepted or denied...
  22. The twitch stream widget has been cleaned out, anyone who wants their twitch stream added back to the list submit a general ticket and we will re-add it.

    1. Poseidon


      That plugin was intentionally removed for the time being due to website issues.

    2. OG Doc

      OG Doc

      Thought peter removed it for his shaving debacle 

    3. Sociopathic
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