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Lethals Loaded

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Everything posted by Lethals Loaded

  1. Proud to call you my Chief.
  2. Cinematics for Montage? Okay :KappaHD: 




  3. *Sees someone exploiting out of jail to troll cops trying to defuse*
    Me: "I won't recommend that black magic.. people go missing when they do this"
    Exploiter: "It's legal, I swear man!"
    2 seconds later
    Poof, banned.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maze


      Lesson of the day: Don't exploit in front of a mod. ;)

    3. TheSkyStarKnight


      Just don't exploit in general x-D

    4. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      Poor guy, gets roasted by a Moderator then sent to jail for ~40 minutes and then a week ban too. Feelsbadman.jpg

  4. I was gonna say who is aids of forums and gives warning points... ... but I don't want a warning post. So the fun comes when the Staff now will argue who I'm speaking of and they'll start a warning war, just like we had a ban war.
  5. Shoutout to @Cake [Even tho Moderates] for giving me a mil.

  6. ETA on Medic @Fedot?
  7. "You have to text me because I'm in a heli 6 meters from you, and even if I lift off you have to wait 5 seconds before you can shoot. Learn rules idiot" -Waxman

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      If that was the case then yep. Very. 

    3. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      <16:59:34> "Deck Officer": You only warned him 3-4 times
      <16:59:38> "Deck Officer": I'm not sure about this
      <16:59:45> "Deck Officer": :P

      - Comrade Goonie's opinion on the video xD

    4. Brennan


      Only engaged him 4 times... Andrew I thought you knew better.

  8. Time is ticking, boys. e4154075b443a6b5a65c4615df027d00.png

    1. dannygurl
    2. RogueMK


      I know what I'll be pre ordering later lol

  9. No, it's for $250 legacy donor. Yes.
  10. The $25 donor tag etc are for new donators. Legacy donor tag is the $250 'VIP' one only.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Poseidon


      I think my adblock blocked the facebook stuff

    3. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      That moment you don't whitelist (your own) Olympus website on adblock. kappa

    4. Poseidon


      We don't got ads, at least not that I'd know of xD

  12. @Ares why did we think this was cool 


    1. CheeseGrater


      I just watched the entire video. What the fuk is wrong with me

  13. @McDili the difference is if I'm processing some butthurt T/Tree/VX etc. member me trying to talk it out won't work despite what I say. Though if a badass with a MK1, Special Rig and Pilot Helmet with [OS] tags comes they instantly feel role play is needed on a role play server. I'm sure you can remember your Corporal times where butthurt people would only feel the roleplay with someone 'important' around. If they are new then explain why they are detained, what has happened and that if you let them off with a warning you'd have to let everyone else off with a warning and process him, you can be more lenient on him if there is a Corporal on and request a half ticket or so to issue. If they are a salty veteran member treat them the same way as a bambi who just joined the server; explain why they are detained and what you have to do and process them. If they spam sounds ask them to stop, if they continue issue a Disobeying an officer charge and let them know if they continue to play sounds using their confiscated playback devices they will be sent straight to jail for disobeying an officer. If they continue feel free to talk over them (if they start shouting rules or making shit noises) and be more blunt as they'd be distracting everyone else in the HQ - just get rid of the toxic salt. Though, always attempt to talk them down from the salt and make them realize that you are not to blame for Peter Long pulling a Ghostcock to drop on them and that it's not fair on you that they're taking it out on you. A lot of people don't realize that.
  14. 109c13f7d588fade71b3f4713baf1e13.gif

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Phizx


      History> Clear Browsing Data> Make sure Cached Images and files is checked off> Obliterate the following items from the (select beginning of time) > Click Clear Browsing data and it should be fixed


    3. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      Still fucked, it's cool I found another way besides Olympus website ^-^

    4. Fedot


      Can you open up console to see what's fucking up

  15. Throwback to our observant Corporal Lucki


  16. Keep it going bruh
  17. I think you need someone who knows how to use paint to help you out there
  18. Me, @Cheesegrater and @Another One are the dreamteam.
  19. The new update didn't break anything simply the Malloc became outdated. Unaware of the reason why same malloc may work for me, not you (May be dependant on other factors such as rig or operating system). After 10 minutes or so the Malloc which is responsible for handling crap kinda goes 'Lol wtaf am I doing' and shuts off, because it is not able to link to/get the correct information and shits itself. Changing the malloc to 'system' or so will do the trick just fine.
  20. [NewGang] Linka [L]
  21. Found this gem again :') 


  22. They first have to be added into the world of Altis by Poseidon in about 12 units of time/
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