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Lethals Loaded

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Everything posted by Lethals Loaded

  1. Putting a dying GPU in the oven stripped of heatsink etc will remelt soldering, unless you leave it in for long enough. It has been foubd this fixes GPU's ocassionally - who cares if it breaks if it's broken, aye.
  2. T'was great fun, competitive and fun wise! Congrats TFO.
  3. Remember boys, it's always worth the internet points.

  4. Worth the likes. Also, enjoy approving all my content. :4head:

  5. In the end, I still got better GW stats than Huskers.

  6. He survived through -GB-, he's good.
  7. Your IP is stored anyway, they just need to use it.
  8. Shoutout to whoever made did the atrocious DDOS attack on my server, don't see why you want to take something down away from the community. FYI, it failed ^-^

  9. 2302 - Added backpacks and hats, tweaked map a bit to reduce spawn camping on blue side. New map out when Eatmeth updates this one <3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      With the new map <3

    3. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Add the CMR-76. I wanna use my script to make it a machine gun. 

    4. asdasd123
  10. Join the no nades, rpgs, special rigs, pilot coveralls etc cqc server 2302

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. asdasd123


      Please change the fucking place and add backpacks Im sorry but jesus fucking christ im triggered. My bad but Change it please. Thanks love you bye

    3. Augustus


      I think the map is good. Backpacks aren't necessary, unless you miss every shot you take

    4. asdasd123


      Its just I don't feel comfortable with 7 mags cause I tend to stay alive a decent amount of time and no offense but you like the map cause you are in VX. But #NoHate

  11. Inbefore Ham's leaving post.

    1. Ham


      wow, feelsbadman

  12. I'd love to go and drive around the in real life, simply because I'd know exactly which way to go. It's kinda scary when you look on google maps and you notice the roads are mostly accurate, meaning the road you take to rebel someone takes to work.
  13. Got bullied off a server, kek.
  14. Anyday
  15. Not Like This
  16. Watch me and Fuzy suck at Sniper Elite www.twitch.tv/konkz

  17. Happy birthday you shitter.

  18. First they break NLR, next they break your bank.
  19. I'd appreciate if everyone just let my demotion pass through them, none of the comments will change the decision and they won't help anyone. Thanks for having my back boys but it's not for the public to discuss.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BlackJack
    3. CheeseGrater


      Hebehrudgej qubehrbduehwvwushduh

    4. Isaac Newton

      Isaac Newton

      I was executed by you, TWICE, in a span of like 10 minutes lol, yet this still saddens me :/ You were a dope cop my friend.

  20. Can confirm, making gear more expensive has not remotely eliminated the problem as predicted.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dejay



    3. Matt Black

      Matt Black

      Lets just get rid of all the drug dealers and make people sell drugs to the Kavala Scats.  I think this will increase the immersion by 100%  

    4. Augustus
  21. Can confirm, lethal bug is still a thing. Freshly joined the server aaaand



    1. DeadPool


      why do you have so many scroll wheel options?

    2. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      Because it's "Working as intended."

    3. DeadPool
  22. @Poseidon Can we replace Type 115 Black for Civs with the Green one, and Green one with Black one for cops. Looks weird with Cops having camo weapon unlike civs.. ._.

  23. 61d093bea17f21f618f04e06eaa84be7.png


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rusty


      K                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      YS :)

    3. BlackJack


      Clamenza do it we need a new Chief anyways

    4. Ninjaman427
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