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Lethals Loaded

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Everything posted by Lethals Loaded

  1. The back-penis-pack.



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Augustus


      The perfect stealth weapon. My question is, will we get that sick splinter cell lookin mask with the thermals, or just the NV with the thermals? Make it cost a ton of money, but at least have it available. 

    3. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      You are missing the point of the original status. This is about the penis-shaped backpack. :Kappa: 

    4. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      I can assure you thermal NVG's won't be added for neither civ nor cop. I can see the new NVG's being for cops and the rebel looking one for rebels. That's only if thermals can/will be disabled.

      The penis looking backpack I'd say would make a great deputy addition, to make them look like the kids with massive backpacks who go to school for first time :Kappa:


  2. What does the title have to do with the clip?
  3. About to finish work and about to loose more ghosthawks :4head:

    1. RogueMK


      dogshite pilot agreed <3

    2. Lethals Loaded
  4. A lot of rule changes.
  5. They can't be removed as they're part of the Altis map, stay on the roads ^-^
  6. We don't have car dents in Arma, and you don't have magical vehicle fixing toolkits in real life. Honestly, don't smash into those and you're gucci.
  7. Think what would happen if you smashed into a thick branched bush, or chicken wire in real life.
  8. You ask for what should be added... ... and say what should be removed.
  9. You're* May not be your Dad, I may be your English teacher though.
  10. Take bevel off that text or die by MCOSPD
  11. Who would of guessed I'll make a total of 3 mil+ thanks to APD Deputy training. ^_^

  12. My tag is the best.
  13. ^ Great. ^


  14. You don't need to own Apex to be able to get on the map, you'll be limited to what weapons and vehicles you can enter though.
  15. So this is what you get up to when not on Olympus
  16. Not sure if you know, but, they're fixed.
  17. I think there was jail, not sure.. people being moved to Jail channel could be a prank..
  18. Ensure your Arma Launcher and Game are off, right click Properties and then BETAS -> Development Build.
  19. Hex's are fixed, shoutout to @Poseidon

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Poseidon


      @Joel It's like havin a positive KD. If you have more posts than likes you're negative, git gud scrub.

    3. JoeL


      @Poseidon I'll have you know my Kd is not negative :Kappa: it's 0.74

    4. ToeKnee


      Add more twitch emotes 

  20. Didn't take long for first hawk to go down, I fully blame Huskas Weak Fighter.

    1. OG Doc

      OG Doc

      many more to come

    2. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      With my horrible Ghostcock flight skills it's a miracle for it to land with a pilot. Without? RIP.

  21. They camp Athira, Sofia and Kavala at most. I don't take the chances anymore and spawn at my house
  22. Bloody hard to when you just spawned.
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