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Lethals Loaded

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Everything posted by Lethals Loaded

  1. Invisible Bergen of Doom when Apex is out? Plz? Kty <3

  2. Can anyone with the CORSAIR Hydro H100i v2 CPU Cooler confirm that it comes with preapplied thermal paste? Found something about it on the web but want confirmation.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      That's the one I bought but I never used it. My PC already has a year and a half, I might as well just wait until I upgrade. Too lazy to take it apart. I don't overclock so its not going to make a big difference for me. 

    1. JoeL


      Inb4, Should Joel be unblacklisted? Strawpoll  :Kappa:

    2. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      Even if it was 99-1 answer is no, as my Chief - @Fat Clemenza, can support me.

    3. JoeL
  3. How to clear Kavala HQ: 653195e8637a1c1c4536d5cfcd039c65.gif

  4. I'll paypal you $10, same as 2 mil
  5. 2 mil Olympus money for this
  6. You stole my Steam avatar for your forum avatar.
  7. Natural selection will sure get to the one who managed that.
  8. Not like this >_<
  9. Bout to cancel that pizza order, don't want left over head in my pizza.



  10. 12 units of time.
  11. thats not how you pick boys up
  12. Give me my fucking name back.

  13. It only took £66.6 to get Sergeant.
  14. No, I'm just a forum, Teamspeak and Arma bot.
  15. Refrain from ever calling me bby, last thing I want to do is be under a case for having kids chatting me up on the internet. I don't want to end up like TheyCallMePaw. Never stated you're in Tree neither, simply mentioned it as you're still their lil-fan boy and they're 'your boys.' Also nice edit on the MC Wins Again being removed.
  16. 03c33dbf398be624c465090221fc0c8c.png

    The dream team. Featuring Deputy Shittercow and Corporal Nick5523.

    1. Linka


      Devil now plays weeb free to play steam games

    2. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded


      Not even joking neither

  17. Sarcasm noted, also lets not forget how MC Wins Again when Tree fails to sneak up on Kavala Rebel. Glad to hear that, will quote this next time you tell me to gtfo. =]
  18. I'd help you, but that means another montage from you so that's a definitive no.
  19. Most of the time I'm scared to click these posts as I got a feeling Dezree will be violated again. Nevertheless I still click them.
  20. How to make donation goals be met:

    • Gold watches for Corporals and higher
    • Black uniform for Corporals and higher

    And then before you know it, whole APD and MCPD has donated :Kappa: 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Brennan


      apd have wetsuits :/

    3. Bow


      But I'm not allowed to fucking wear it because "its a civ wetsuit"... Too bad I'm always called to those underwater situations so I have to be prepared all the time.

    4. Poro


      I want black uniform so bad :(

  21. It's good nobody has a go pro running when they are lethalled, else I'd be blacklisted. =]
  22. @Corporal_moob today has informed @Buffalo Bill that he needs a poop so he can be back after restart.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Fedot


      @Joel Thats how u get comp, insult the admin


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