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Everything posted by QKSILVR73

  1. Ot it could have been an accident. Probably not though. You know how many times I've ejected my self out of my car because I accidentally scroll wheel with my doors unlocked and tap eject. Countless. Get in a rush and think you locked it and nest thing dead.
  2. Got to meet Norman Reeedus, Tom Payne and Seth Gilliam. As well as Sean Teale from the Gifted today :)

  3. RIP Socio :( Cool dude, cool dude


  4. Sad Many good times playing with him
  5. WTF is everyone Server 1 Dead :(

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Coca


      sleep, work, etc.

    3. ItsGG


      if ur looking for anything outside of kavala better switch to 2 or 3

    4. QKSILVR73


      I think my clan took a vacation

  6. verify game cache
  7. This career Vigi sucks.  If it was used to curb tazing cops, I understand.  But as far as the rest of it goes it sucks.  Wtf someone going to do with a P07?  Then can't even use another gun even if you already own it.  Two thumbs down. 

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      just use a cop gun til u get 25 arrests.......... cyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    3. QKSILVR73


      I need ammo for the cop gun :/

  8. I used it 3 weeks ago and it tazed just fine. It's the ones Vigis used to be able to get before the whining of how OP they were. Cops were like where did you get that and wtf was that lol.
  9. So old Spar16 are lethal now and not tazer unless you are at that tier? Bunch of crap if ya ask me.
  10. Agents of Shield, The 100, Rick and Morty
  11. HAcker Server 1 dropping bombs


    1. QKSILVR73



      No worries :)


  12. Need recommendations for a gaming headset that sounds good with bass heavy music. 

  13. Ahh Man i was in the middle of reading all that and poof. :(


  14. Dumb-ass award goes to...


    1. ItsGG


      holy fuck that shit scared me 

  15.  When you are just trying to transfer stuff from a house. IE redgulls, lockpocks, etc.. and someone says get out of chopper but you can't cause of some HDD lag and he shoots you. Then steals the chopper and gets in Copilot seat instead. WTF!

  16. Yeah no shit!
  17. Doritos Blaze. Terrific

  18. You guys are the whiniest bunch of kids. Omg a plane that pew pews. Hell most of you break rules all the time and RDM. LOL

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kamikaze


      the plane takes 2-3 7.62 shots to the engine and its down the thing is paper its not in any means "broken"

    3. BENJI


      “Yeah let’s add planes with 6.5 machine guns on them sounds like a great idea wouldn’t you say?”

    4. Kamikaze


      ruining gang life btw

  19. is this a server everyday thing? Or just like an event? I missed the original post
  20. and here I'm still rocking i5-3570k with a 1080ti
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