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About Froger

  • Birthday 10/06/2000

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  1. 4 Olympus players in top 20 in summer skirmish all on different teams lmao https://gyazo.com/3b6d7a23df2e0f35544a33601d498f7e

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. maxg


      27 minutes ago, Kamikaze said:

      zexrow fuzzy and who else?


    3. RogueMK
    4. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      You forgot symfunny

  2. I got invited to the fortnite summer skirmish:D


  3. anyone know how much you make an hour doing excavation?

    1. Justi


      No real answer. You can get robbed so it depends on the person.

  4. If anyone has this on server 1 I'll buy
  5. https://gyazo.com/8a2386044435a19b1fcb301209083127 I looked at my other monitor and then that happened...

  6. I’ll do 4 mil are you on
  7. pm offers
  8. are you still selling it and for how much?
  9. what he said
  10. Apparently now you have to "ask" to fight cartels or it's roaching wtf LOL and if they move all the cartels back into warzone again it'll be good again
  11. right next to sofia rebel 10 mil
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