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Everything posted by FluffyTEDDY

  1. Hands down this is the greatest community out there, and like you i consider many people here to be close friends, and i have so many good memories from this community Furthermore, it is sad when people of this community manages to make on of the greatest admins that has ever been is community feel unwelcome, something has to change, and i support Tmans statement on Dezree's post
  2. Okey.... So here it is, ever since i started playing on Olympus i've countless of people being bullied to the point where they leave and never returns, even had that happen to me... But when ignorant people manage to bully one of this community's greatest admin to the point where she up's and quit on us is mindblowing and disturbing.. AS many of you know i have been thinking about leaving leaving some time now, and seeing that Dezree now have left us because of toxic kids who don't know how to behave i am considering on doing the same thing and leave.. Haven't made up my mind yet, but i am leaning way to much on the Packing my bag and close the door option.. @Dezree @CommanderSuki, @Isaac Newton, @Mercury, @Dante Fleury, @Muthinator, @Tman15tmb and the rest of SR R&R... You guys have been there trough every struggle i've had and given me so much help, you guys have guided me and teached me so much.. I will let you guys know what i decide to do when i have made up my mind... @McDili, @Corporal_moob and all you amazing people, you guys are what makes this community so great, but you guys can only do so much, and now this community has lost a amazing member, staff and SR R&R.. I hope that we once again will see you back here Dez, you have my support and everyone else who respect you, you know where to find us should you need us.. Fluffy out
  3. @Dezree you will be missed, you've made a massive impact on this community in so many ways, and the whole you are leaving will not be easy to fill You've earned my respect and i am thankful for everything you've done for me and the rest of this community..
  4. Hitting someone, running them over is not valid initiation - if you run Someone over they can't just open fire on you without any form of verbal or text engagement
  5. Cheeeerio miss sophie

  6. Not sure how i feel about the new rule that allows medics to be shot in Sight at cartels.. Due to the fact that it msy spark a fire from previous problems where the medic got KOS'D at rebel by members of the gang requesting revive at that location, and then harrass the medic trough sidechat for having NLR and not being able to come back.. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. FluffyTEDDY


      Before we got epi pens implemented gangs just medics on sight, even when 5 - 6 members of the same gang where requesting in the area.. And used that as an exuse to get epi pens and also to harrass the medics by telling them that they are useless and more.. So yeah, i don't agree with the rule change cause people will allways complain about medics cause they get killed.. however it is often the person who kills the medic who complains about medics being useless and that this server needs more things so civ can revive their members 

    3. DeadPool



    4. FluffyTEDDY


      Oh well, i am all for changes, so i am gonna see how it plays out, maybe it's a good change, maybe it isn't... That remains to be seen 

  7. Old enough
  8. really? that's the best you got? a picture of me taken of my stream? wow kid... i feel sorry for you man
  9. how about no?
  10. when you boys have nothing better to do then to comment stupid stuff... just stop !
  11. not the correct place for a player report
  12. It is that time of the day, Mass RDM'ers on server 1. weeeeeeh so fun 

    1. iPopsicle



    2. FluffyTEDDY


      hehehe, well they got shit on by Aurora and left xD 

    3. QKSILVR73


      Be nice if we had some Admins on at these times ehh Fluff?  Btw I volunteer to do that.  I'll patrol Kavala with my boomstick.  lol

  13. Thanks Dili
  14. i know that i did not exploit, but are there any numbers on me? and in case i accidentally impounded my own car cause didn't think more of it, how much was it?
  15. well, i can at least with my hand on the bible say that i NEVER did this exploit once!... so hopefully i didn't get punished by the idiots who did... But the numbers that are put out, is that from the exploit or total from using it legit?
  16. Hahahah R&R GH representing
  17. This is getting frustrating... 


    aparantly one of my profiles are corrupted today, and the info box where you can see the registration of a vehicle is out of the screen for me and i have no fucking idea how to fix it 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dangus


      Check your screen resolution. That might fix it. It may have reset your video options.

    3. Phizx


      Change your interface size , you must have it set to Large or some thing

    4. FluffyTEDDY


      it was at normal, and has allways been like that, but after my game crashed it changed... it is back to normal now tho..

  18. Fuck yeah, downloading now Can't wait to test it out
  19. Again thanks for the super awesome menu And a super massive thanks for the great work on it
  20. Super big +1 on the new medic menu, only - i have is that the DNR/DC won't show up on the map when you mark a player with it
  21. I say keep the taze and restrain of cops, but implement a rule to prevent it happening on fed,jail and BW
  22. not my dekstop, but the pictures can be used to promote our server by showing it to the outside world
  23. They look really good Continue to make theese good for promoting Olympus
  24. They did not see that comming xD
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