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Orgondo last won the day on July 17 2018

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About Orgondo

  • Birthday 04/25/1997

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  1. So once again, here we stand. The word of a Staff member upholds against an entire community. A Live ban with ZERO proof from the accuser, just his word, nothing else. Seems fair. Might want to rethink your policy @Ryan P.S: If an entire community shows hatred towards someone, there's usually a REALLY good reason for it dude, just look in the past of Olympus. Plenty very good examples as such.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. -dante-


      Yeah I feel what you’re saying. I’ve seen my fair share of emotion driven false bans in my time. But generally they got lifted once the details came to life. Was pretty rare they’d lie about the specifics. It would just generally be their emotion drove them to be wrong about the ban. Once they lie or start not accepting their wrong then it’s probably time they aren’t staff. But idk how they run things anymore so 

    3. KrispyK


      if you have multiple false bans you should be removed

    4. LULA 2022 - PT 13

      LULA 2022 - PT 13

      5 hours ago, Dante said:

      Yeah I feel what you’re saying. I’ve seen my fair share of emotion driven false bans in my time. But generally they got lifted once the details came to life. Was pretty rare they’d lie about the specifics. It would just generally be their emotion drove them to be wrong about the ban. Once they lie or start not accepting their wrong then it’s probably time they aren’t staff. But idk how they run things anymore so 

      I get where you're coming from that staff shouldn't have to provide proof but personally I don't see how accountability is a bad thing. 


      People act off of emotion and I personally don't see how asking a staff member to alt f10 in case it's disputed is unreasonable or anything but a measure of accountability. There's a Russian proverb "trust but verify" and asking staff to keep video proof of live bans for two weeks is exactly that.


      I thought that you of all people would appreciate the merits of meticulous recordkeeping and covering your ass due to your military background where having the proper documentation and proof can be the difference between getting fucked over or not, even the SecDef answers to someone.

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