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Everything posted by Orgondo

  1. Orgondo


    So instead of just quickly taking a picture of an id or anything you have, you decide to go to the forums.. Goodluck reapplying there bud
  2. For those who are playing Destiny 2, try and beat this time. unknown.png?width=705&height=397

    1. Orgondo


      Update: We have now beaten the only known PC "World Record" for it, their time was 7:21. We got 6:58 unknown.png?width=705&height=397

    2. Orgondo


      @Panera Arcstrider is honestly dogshit for Nightfall compared to Nightstalker. Nightstalker grenades can cheese a ton of the mechanics in the strike.


  3. Happy Birthday to the wooden teeth @ArX And a big Happy Birthday to my lovely terrorist @hadi mokdad even though facebook says your bday is next month.

    1. arx
    2. RambleR


      I dont put my real bday on here either :)

  4. It's wont, this unban is 3months too late. Everyones gone to college or just done with Arma. Gang Life will continue to stay dead.
  5. Big big big Happy Birthday to some of my favorites in the community. @Peter Long @FaceTooPastey Have a great day y'all

  6. That was the cleanest accidental pit
  7. Don't worry Cats literally never logs into the forums so he wont see this for probably a month or two.
  8. Hands down the worst Tagged comments ive ever seen in a Goodbye post lol. Goodluck on the real world dude.
  9. Orgondo

    Oh Hello

    Why did you change his sentence?
  10. @lou25000 Help my nigga out
  11. Orgondo

    Thermal NVGs

    Believe there are roughly 5 on the servers atm
  12. I guess we haven't unlocked the Lou character yet.


  13. You have been one of my favorites since day 1 man, love ya to death. Enjoy college my homie
  14. Olympus's #1 Terrorist just got corp, my god. @hadi my boi, grats

    1. Guest


      Now i can be a terrorist on cop too. Lethal force activated!   orgo my brother

  15. Oh absolutely, we bought the Shine Shed instantly because we knew how much money we could make out of it. Tbh the amount we've made from it is absurd but as you said comes risk which we've faced plenty of times. Granted luckily every time our shed has been searched it a ridiculously low amount seized, but that's because we have a system in place to prevent illegals from being in the shed. I wouldn't ever tell a gang not to have a drug shed simply due to our success from ours, however have a system in place or just be ready to accept the loss if it gets raided.
  16. 07 for now Froggy Fresh. Sorry for the rough turns and I truly hope all turns around for you man.
  17. **WARNING** Racist as fuck and involves the N-Word. 


  18. This will be a really cool change of pace than the usual gang wars. +10 for the idea. +20 if this actually happens within a month.
  19. How to Cartel with me 101

  20. Shit id be down, would be quite hilarious tbh
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