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sleazy turd racoon

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Everything posted by sleazy turd racoon

  1. After reseting your hdd you will loose everything, including windows..install windows on the SSD and make. I could tell you you will run out of space and that you should make the hdd a secondary drive to keep bigger files on. Because 500gb will eventually run out
  2. 07 guys its been a long run.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. sleazy turd racoon

      sleazy turd racoon

      Channel was locked so its wasn't like anyone was affected. It seems some people can't take a joke. 

    3. JamalJones
  3. when flying a plane and press Y OR esc my throttle starts adjusting itself. help me

    1. SPBojo


      Working as intended, check your keybinds.

    2. Bloodmoon


      When you do that the plane is auto-piloted and avoids terrain but only flies straight.

    3. sleazy turd racoon
  4. fuck me

    rip mac miller 


  5. Armed boats are good for when you roll up at turtle zone
  6. Could we have it so there is a T4 upgrade where if someone tries to lock pick your vehicle it would send a dispatch to the apd? With location
  7. Fix this system! It's rigged for medics
  8. Vote for Matt the cabbage or die you retards

  9. if its in kavala or at a non cartel, DB will fight
  10. you let me in for shit that happened 3 years ago, and then suspended me for telling a medic to passenger seat me, and also scribble. then was removed during my loa that i gave little effort
  11. come back with that statement when medics take their heads out of their asses
  12. go back to your shitty medic faction fuck off
  13. Do believe everything you are told?
  14. Lol k so I just got an email from steel series hey hey look at this

    You won an MSI Optix MPG27C curved gaming monitor in our 10 Million Mousepads Celebration Giveaway, where you can now see your name listed on the winner's list.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. sleazy turd racoon
    3. J O E

      J O E

      Send it my way my man.

    4. sleazy turd racoon

      sleazy turd racoon

      Give me your address. If you want it :Kappa: keep your doors unlocked

  15. Callouts that always work He's by the tree to the left. You see the rock on the hill. Or A: Shit I think I see someone. B: Where? A: You know. The rock over there? These kind of callouts are frequently said in the DB team speak. @Zahzi
  16. Is the quilin an illegal vehicle now? Can't it be claimed 

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      no it's just more expensive cause it was everyone's go to vehicle for every situation.

    2. Jeb


      can't really blame anyone for using the quillin.. SUVs and hatchback sports were turned into goo by bohemia

    3. KrispyK


      might as well be now

      5 hours ago, Jeb said:

      can't really blame anyone for using the quillin.. SUVs and hatchback sports were turned into goo by bohemia


      5 hours ago, Jeb said:

      can't really blame anyone for using the quillin.. SUVs and hatchback sports were turned into goo by bohemia


      5 hours ago, Jeb said:

      can't really blame anyone for using the quillin.. SUVs and hatchback sports were turned into goo by bohemia


      5 hours ago, Jeb said:

      can't really blame anyone for using the quillin.. SUVs and hatchback sports were turned into goo by bohemia


      5 hours ago, Jeb said:

      can't really blame anyone for using the quillin.. SUVs and hatchback sports were turned into goo by bohemia




  17. Give it time., PO and raid Warren's will be abused
  18. R0KJ8-RQI4W-EJ5R3
  19. Winners will be decided on July 1st by @Peter Long
  20. Winners will be decided on July 1st by @Peter Long
  21. At this point idc for likes just want to get rid of this shit You tazed someone
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