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Everything posted by Snare

  1. Lol you're scared idiot.
  2. lil cc let iii slap wid da bass

  3. Wait so BW actually owns the server now? @Ryan


  4. Snare


    yeah don't ever come back waste of time.
  5. @RikuQ your newest video was actuallllyy nuts my guy.

    good content good content

  6. ^
  7. AMA below tune in

    1. ThatNerdyGuy


      When did you get dune and what had you do it? 

    2. Elements


      he prob didnt have money in game to waste loudouts and wanted to just get a bunch of kills and have fun, and was bored of fortnite

    3. Snare



      I've had dune for a week had it right before it went public to answer your first question shortly and sweetly. beyond that I have never hacked before in arma every montage I have ever put out on my youtube and ever will put out on my YouTube was done completely legitly

      Second question: i bolded the parts that more answer your question while giving you whole story.

      I haven't been able to play e-sport games that i normally had comp for some while so I have been super bored (due to tendinitis), Hadn't played ARMA in a long time and never planned on playing it again (i very occasionally got on if asked for a gangwars) . However, a friend, probably one of the guys that i have played games with for the most time, hit me up and told me he wanted to play arma told me to get on we got on we scatted and we got bored quickly. I said hey how about we fight cartels. he informed me that we could buy money and fight cartels and all but that the servers were infested with cheaters so it would be pointless (this was actually quite true). He started to talk about cheats and look into getting cheats and he got them. First day on that he got them he gave me money (we didn't have to play or pay for) and we went to cartels and he popped off w/cheats i was very bored playing with him as I didn't really get a chance to do much. He told me I should get them (I'm not saying this wasn't my own decision I am a 20 year old man hahaha) and eventually I decided to look into it. I was accepted into the cheats (as was everyone as they were about to go public) and I bought them. beyond that we had esp that let us see instantly if there was fights or not 

      so basically a long version of what brian said.

      basically arma became like minecraft to me over the passed two years sure it was fun when i was younger but now it just sits in my steam library. so yeahhhh I didn't really care to look like a good player or watever by cheating I just kindof did it for fun.

  8. someone add that to the doc ya?

  9. freaking hekkers remind me not to use farcry 4 cheats while armas running next time.

  10. Awwww shucks I lost my koth level.

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Linka
    3. Elements


      toxic @Linka i hope you fall down a very small ladder and break your ankles

  11. I hope a Bohemia interactive dev is on these forums. you guys are awful devs and most everybody only plays the game because of life whether that be altis or life mod. Nobody is making a fortune off selling money you idiots why are you so concerned with a couple hundred dollars total maybe from every money sale combined. Not everyone can spend thousands of hrs grinding out cash. Not to mention you guys make awful changes to vehicles for your stupid tanks expansion that literally nobody asks for. Worthless developers of an awful game. Believe me nobody plays your game for your game.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. bigSMOKE


      first time i've liked snare

    3. Ryan


      58 minutes ago, Elements. said:

      If they respond to this they are gonna say how much people complain.

      People complain too much!!!

      But real talk if someone leaves you on read when you ask them a genuine question just to be dicks then let the senior staff know.

      As for doing nothing besides breathe... eh Most of staff try to go above and beyond, while others ride the curb. Really depends on the situation, and the perspective were looking at. 

    4. KrispyK


      why staff dick riding bohemia, we gotg more players then all their official servers

  12. Hahaha you are all so blind.

    1. Parker R

      Parker R

      shut it old man

    2. Elements


      keep talking that smack buddy and ill snap your albino toothpick in half

    3. Randyy


      Dont say that to my friend!

  13. does anyone want to play csgo ten mans

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