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Carrot Kid
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Everything posted by Zahzi

  1. Added the section, only real change is that AT offroads/jeeps are no longer allowed during s3 conquests given that they are risk free without chopshops.
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  2. Christmas Icon Pack - Limited Edition For the remainder of the month, a limited edition pack of 15 Christmas themed hex icons will be available in the store. Upon purchase, the 15 icons will be immediately applied to your account. Sale For the remainder of the month, 50 & 250 hex icon packs will be on sale. 50-packs are discounted 25% to $15 and the 250-pack is discounted 40% to $60. You can view all available hex icon packs here: https://olympus-entertainment.com/store/category/4-hex-icons/ Happy holidays!
  3. It appears there was a bug with house expiry. Houses that were lost will be restored tomorrow morning (12/09) during the hotfix. New house purchases will be reversed.

    If you bought a house that got reversed, make a comp ticket.

  4. Changes AT Offroads/Jeeps are no longer allowed given that they are risk free Safezone on initial spawn should actually work this time Two conquests half the size (two 5k caps, 12.5m initial pot) Some map changes are in progress, but not ready for this one (removing big towers, slight tweaks to the location of a cap on the north map) There will inevitably be more changes going forward as this mission is more thoroughly tested. If you have any constructive feedback, please reply to this thread after it's done. Also note that just like the main servers, you'll get a cut from the gang that you first entered with (kill/death/capture). As a consequence, players that disconnect/get kicked/etc still get a cut if they were entered with your gang. You may wish to sort out your gang and shit before it starts. Details 2 conquests, each with $12.5m initial point 5k points to win 5 captures points per zone, 2 rebels each Second conquest starts if pot reaches $15m (pretty much guaranteed..) 3 different sectors Money, warpoints, vehicles, etc are all synced with the live server Gear is saved, but not sync'd with the main servers Jail time is not sync'd, you can play even if you're arrested No cartels, no chopshops, etc. Just the capture points and rebels Safezone island that you can spawn at, gear up, etc until the conquest actually starts Can't take damage if you spawn there until you leave a 500m radius Scroll wheel "Safe Redeploy" to redeploy to another spawn point without losing your gear AT Offroads/Jeeps not allowed since they are essentially risk free
  5. Did you spawn at "the hub" and not get shield? Was this your first time on the malden conquest? which sector was it?
  6. I'm torn between having it be one longer sector or two 5k point rounds like it is on the main server. The latter could be more dynamic I guess Would love to hear other opinions on this.
  7. Since the donation goal was met and y'all made enough status updates, we'll be testing the Malden conquest mission file again today on server 3 @ 6PM EST. Since the last test, I fixed some of the bugs (spawn protection, despawn script, voting while dead) and also increased the initial pot to $25m. There will inevitably be more changes going forward as this mission is more thoroughly tested. I can't be around during this test, so @Noahhh! will be running it. Everything worked great when we tested it earlier today, but if anything goes wrong to the point that it is no longer playable, @Noahhh! will start a conquest on server 2 instead. If you have any constructive feedback, please reply to this thread after it's done. If you just want to whine and complain, don't bother. Getting this right will take time, so please be patient. Also note that just like the main servers, you'll get a cut from the gang that you first entered with (kill/death/capture). As a consequence, players that disconnect/get kicked/etc still get a cut if they were entered with your gang. You may wish to sort out your gang and shit before it starts. If this is a mechanic you want changed Details $25m initial point 10k points to win 5 captures points per zone, 2 rebels each 3 different sectors No second conquest is automatically started Money, warpoints, vehicles, etc are all synced with the live server Gear is saved, but not sync'd with the main servers Jail time is not sync'd, you can play even if you're arrested No cartels, no chopshops, etc. Just the capture points and rebels Safezone island that you can spawn at, gear up, etc until the conquest actually starts Can't take damage if you spawn there until you leave a 500m radius Scroll wheel "Safe Redeploy" to redeploy to another spawn point without losing your gear
  8. 3 more gang uniform slots open. Get them while you can!!!!


    1. billdroid


      Yes last ditch effort to milk as much money as possible before ARMAgeddon



      hahahaha get it arma 😂 

    2. Lou


      did you pay 25 dollars for this garbage? @Tyrone

  9. It will be looked into. Thanks.
  10. House tax on server 2 is currently bugged and not capped @ 10%. After the hotfix in the next few days, tax rates will be capped.

  11. Rank 4 is fine as long as there's only one request per gang
  12. With the November update, server two is now on a schedule and open only 12h/day. You can see Ryan's post for details. A recent civilian council development request was to add additional gangsheds and many server two gangs will now be pushed to server one, where they might not have a shed. To help these refugees, we will be adding and issuing free sheds at request near their server two shed location. The offer A free gangshed added to the map for your gang near the location of your server two shed Requirements Must be part of a reasonable large and active server two gang Must have purchased a server two gangshed prior to this update Must not have a gangshed on server 1 (or be willing to delete it in exchange for the new one) Must not have an available server one gangshed already near your server two shed location (within a couple km) Must submit your request before the hotfix (next couple days!) How to get your free shed? If you meet all the requirements and want to have a shed added for your gang, please make a general inquiry titled "I want a server 1 shed @zahzi" with your playerid and a link to your gang's stats page (please only one request per gang) If your request is approved, a new shed will be added to the map and accessible to your gang near your server two shed with the next hotfix
  13. @Ryan with your desire to have transfer functionality
  14. Server 1 will be updated in ~45 minutes. Server 2 will be shut down until opening @ 5:30PM EST.

  15. O_O
  16. This is also to do with the player pop, when the servers are split so are the cops, server 2 should go back to closing on non peak times. @Ryan
  17. It is, we're just implementing it with SAPD initiation first so if it ends up busted it's easier to control.
  18. Server 2 is up early given the high pop 😉

    1. swrvy


      who wouldve guessed 1 big server is more playable than 2 dead ones?

      Chart, arrow, bar graph, exponential growth icon

  19. Server 1 has better hardware rn
  20. In the same manner as this weekend, no. Could some on/off peak schedule be implemented in the future (like server 3 used to be)? Potentially, but we're not sure yet. Server won't be permanently shut down any time soon
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