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Carrot Kid
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Everything posted by Zahzi

  1. > War [Tree] and [R.I.P] > Go to Pyrgos server 2 with 6.5 and shit vest > Kill anything that looks geared, 85% chance it's at war. > Enjoy 6-12 pts per kill until you die > Respawn and repeat after NLR
  2. You're meant to stop and get out before trying to put your hands up. Without texting to engage, it would be very difficult to engage anybody that's not right in front of you or moving quickly.
  3. Everybody has 1bil on the event server/databse, rewards will be handed out in the same way you get comp on the main server/database.
  4. Yes. Everything except warzone is deleted, so you'll have to be a rebel. If you're a vigi on the main server, you can just buy the license since the database doesn't sync between.
  5. While the rules do state this, I clarified awhile back and you can order a medic to leave an area (in illegal areas, there's even a clause about warning shots). There should probably be a rule update for it.
  6. Congrats @Mr Majestic 🙂 

    1. SPBojo


      db council11!!111!! i bet he didnt even have to do a coup111!11!11

  7. Prices of an item go down ~2m after something of that item gets sold, and goes down more if more is sold (until the item hits a minimum price). Prices go up when other things are sold (but at a slower rate than the drops) Restart no longer affects prices, but sometimes if you sell right before restart the price won't have dropped after restart.
  8. Open ticket counters are added back to the support page 🙂 

  9. Not rn, but apply anyway . Your application will remain on hold until we need someone.
  10. It was tabled for the meeting next week anyway, so we'll know the full details by then.
  11. morE rOlEplAy i guESS From how it was explained to me, it would just add physics to the tased body. ie, someone that is floating after jumping off a balcony would continue their fall to the ground and not die.
  12. APD Roundtable Allow the dopamine chance on being epi'd to be applied to APD members - Passed Have a most lethals title for cop - Passed Decrease the pardon title from 500 to 250 it currently goes 50 > 100 > 500 whoever did that is obviously a genius - Passed Make vandalized APD hatchbacks seizable (NOT a guns hot vehicle for ghosthawks though)- Passed Add "possession of illegal equipment charge" or change pos. of illegal weapon to cover CSAT/other illegal equipment - Passed Remove or drastically reduce Medic Armor - Passed since their uniform was changed to CSAT pcovs Make people spangle when they get tased - Postponed for next meeting Add more jumpspots / other openings to the Blackwater especially near southwest tower - Postponed for next meeting Lessen some of the warzone restrictions that were put in a little while ago - Denied R&R Roundtable When civs request denial thru their death screen make it another color. - Passed Add regular hellcat for coordinators since it will use the same skin as the director and should not take any extra mission file space. - Passed Add bandannas to supervisor+ shop. - Passed Add full screen Thermals for coordinators and replace current ones. - Denied, no terminator Civ Roundtable Cartels Actually have a gang wars (A date would be super cool, bearing in mind it's going to be 2-4 weeks from the when the date is announced.) - Passed (Working on it) Increase the arms dealer tax to 25% when server pop is over 50 (Encourage more fights at Arms) - Denied, would be too much passive income, 50 is very low pop Give 1 warpoint for every 5 minutes you sit on arms dealer cap (Cap has to be 100%) - Denied Scats Processors look like ass, locations are mostly fine, gang sheds are fine but let's add a little flavor. Goal should be Moonshine brewery levels of quality. (Please dont move stuff around for the sake of it) - Passed @zoomzooooooom Runs Plane runs now cost 60k to start (instead of 75k) (Encourage people to do plane runs, instead of buffing payout, we want to reduce the start up fee minimally, we want to keep plane runs for the new players that aren't very good at PVP but not allowing them to farm money.) - Passed Make RPK 160k, Drum mags should be 15k. At the moment it is 135k which is really cheap for an LMG, but the drum mags are only wp ATM (Pretty useless as it stands, APD aren't affected by this because they dont have drum mags. The shorter barrel rpk is only a little bit cheaper and is basically the same gun. ) - Passed Add promet sg mags(bucketshot 2 wp, slug is 4), 45acp suppressor (5wp). Remove p90 from wp and replace it with long barrel p90 (7wp) , also add 5.7 suppressor (30 wp) (Just cool stuff civs should have, prices have been based off the current wp shop prices.) - Postponed for next for meeting Vigis "Rebel Camper" title added to 250 arrests (No bonus) - Passed Vigis can group up to 3, still using the same buddy money payout system (Boing wanted larger groups, we want to try expanding groups slowly) - Passed Decreasing time to pick contraband, 40 seconds pick time (Reducing from 1 minute to 40 seconds, we come to play not play basketball in jail) - Denied (going to jail should be a punishment) Feds Computer prop is added to gate 2 telos barracks dome. Civs can buy a scrambler for 200k and it blocks all cops "O" open gate hotkey. Cops can repair it and there is a 10 minutes cooldown on it being hacked again. 30 seconds defusal time. (Just a side thing at a fed, encourages people to play full fed which requires more civs and also spreads them from dome. This is meant to be a side thing and not a main focus for the civs. ) - Postponed for next meeting You can find the public roster for the @Civilian Council here If you're interested in applying for the Civilian Council, you can find information here:
  13. You can blame @Ryan for the lack of TeamSpeak. He forgot to pay for the license. We're fixing it now.


    1. Trevor Lawrence MVP season
    2. Ryan


      How you gonna expose me like that smh

  14. Does it blow up when you pull it or when you get in it? Are there specific garages? If he blows up when you get in it basically everywhere, that's been a thing for years :/. Best you can do is not tier it and not spool it until it's done jumping around.
  15. Servers are updated. Sorry for the delay.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Claysive
    3. Richard


      Thanks @Jesse.  We appreciate you coming out of retirement for the win.

    4. Azeh
  16. Bohemia (in their infinite wisdom) decided to change some functionality that's very critical to our servers... We're working on fixing it and will hopefully push an update in the next few hours.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Civak


      It's not an update that only negatively effects Olympus. A large number of servers, including Exile mods, are impacted. Not to mention the change is undocumented in the main branch update.

    3. Jesse


      @Civak what create Vehicle local? See my most recent status update...

    4. Civak


      @Jesse yeah we already had the fix when I posted that. Pretty dumb that the intended default behavior isn't as it was described by Bohemia devs, and was for the most part left out of the documentation for this update.

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