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Everything posted by Winters

  1. Chapter I - Professional Standards[edit] Conduct Officers are allowed to conduct themselves casually with civilians, so long as they do not go out of their way to excessively insult a civilian or go outside the boundaries set forth by the server rules. Officers are expected to treat all players with respect. This is a two-way street. "Street language" is not frowned upon in the APD, you may RP freely as so long as you don't cross the lines of harassment, racism, and other extreme vulgarities. Anything reasonable that does not conflict with the APD Master Handbook, Ticket Guide or Server Rules is acceptable within the spirit of role-play. Disciplinary action will not be taken for reasonable role-play. Chapter XIV - SWAT SWAT must utilize SWAT gear during the Conquest Raids. SWAT cannot utilize Spike Strips, Bait Appliances, Tear Gas, or Flash Bangs during Conquest Raids. SWAT gear or vehicles cannot be utilized as an APD Officer. Exception: SWAT Backpacks can be utilized by APD Officers. Please all APD Officers also read through the following post regarding role-playing and demonstrating leniency whilst on cop. @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member & @APD Member
  2. Chapter XI - Illegal Areas Any area marked with a red crosshatch is considered an illegal area, including active Banks, Jails, Blackwaters, and Federal Reserves. Officers must announce themselves when entering an illegal area with code 3. Code 3 automatically engages all armed civilians in the illegal area. Exception: No code 3 is needed when entering an active Federal Event, Bank or Art Gallery robbery. Exception: Officers may enter illegal areas with garages with the intent to pull vehicles if their vehicle has been damaged beyond repair. Officers may not interfere with any activities inside of the illegal area unless fired upon first. Illegal Areas may be patrolled every 15 minutes. Officers must not remain in, or monitor, an illegal area if there is no activity Looking into an illegal area is considered checking it. During situations inside of illegal areas, officers must respond in waves. Exception: An active Bank/Art gallery robbery Chapter XII - Blue Zones[edit] Blue Zones (Server Rules Chapter 14) APD Officers may freely patrol Blue Zones. The APD Escort Event, Art Gallery & Pharmaceutical Robbery are Blue Zones. APD Officers responding to an active Art Gallery Robbery or a Pharmaceutical Robbery must respond code 3 or dark with the intent to verbally engage. APD Officers do not have to respond in waves to an active situation in a Blue Zone. FTO Requirement Changes Eligibility to apply for FTO is now changed from 60 days TIG (Time In Grade) to 30 days TIG, further information for eligibility and requirements can be found on the post linked below. @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member & @APD Member
  3. Chapter VIII - SWAT Only SWAT has the ability to conduct Conquest Raids. A maximum amount of 10 SWAT can conduct Conquest Raids. SWAT must respond in waves. SWAT can use a maximum of 6 armoured vehicles per wave. Chapter XV - APD Equipment & Ground Vehicles APD Tools Flashbangs/Throwables are to be used only in tactical situations following proper engagement. Spike strips may be used on vehicles you are engaged with. Ensure any placed spike strips are packed backup. The SDAR may be used without SGT approval if a suspect is in the water, or they are in an inaccessible area (unreachable roofs). Suspect must be notified prior to firing upon. Otherwise, Sergeants must approve. Do not carry one in a backpack unless conducting a boat patrol. Exception: Sergeants+ may carry an SDAR in their backpack. APD can use epi-pens and dopamine shots on civilians but cannot then attempt to arrest the civilian. @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member & @APD Member
  4. Chapter II - Use of Force Any means necessary only encompasses bypassing APD Rules and Procedures and not Server Rules. During this period you do not have to follow APD Rules or Procedures as long as it contributes to ending the any means situation. Exception: Corporals cannot authorize PO lethals during any means necessary. Exception: SWAT gear or vehicles cannot be utilized during any means necessary. Chapter VIII - SWAT SWAT Application - SWAT Application info can be found HERE SWAT must use their Chain of Command name and a SWAT | tag when conducting Conquest Raids. Only SWAT has the ability to conduct Conquest Raids. A maximum amount of 10 SWAT can conduct Conquest Raids. SWAT must respond in waves. SWAT is required to use lethals during Conquest Raids. SWAT cannot restrain, impound or seize any vehicles during Conquest Raids. SWAT must utilize SWAT gear during the Conquest Raids. SWAT cannot utilize Spike Strips, Bait Appliances, Tear Gas, or Flash Bangs during Conquest Raids. SWAT gear or vehicles cannot be utilized as an APD Officer. SWAT must attack the first place gang's Capture Point. Once the Capture Point is neutralized SWAT must leave the Capture Point. Exception: SWAT may remain if being attacked. SWAT must re-group before being able to attack the next Capture Point. @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member & @APD Member
  5. APD Officers are not to use the black PO7 currently as the weapon only lethals. Once this is fixed APD Officers may use it again.

    @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member & @APD Member

    1. Venomm


      po lethal booster :pogchamp:

  6. Chapter II - Use of Force Your First Weapon Your first weapon is always your voice. Always attempt to defuse a situation without firing a shot. If the situation calls for it, you may restrain a suspect or civilian if given prior warning. Non-Lethal Force Tasers may be used on a suspect who is armed, evading, or resisting arrest. Lethal Force Lethal force is authorized only when non-lethal force has failed or is inadequate to resolve the situation. Lethals are authorized temporarily: In Warzone, Cartels, Gang Base, and any Rebel Outpost. (This includes if/when the engagement moves out of the red zone) If there is 5 or less minutes of a server restart. POs may be authorized to use lethal force by a Senior APD member during "Any Means Necessary." Tasers are inadequate to resolve the situation. If the suspect is on a roof that has no way to access or is only accessible by ladder. If fired upon without previous engagement, you may return fire with extreme care for the life and property of the APD. If the suspect is in a armed vehicle's gunner seat. Chapter X - Illegal Areas Gang Base Raids No Active Skirmish Must follow rebel raid rules Exception: Limited to 5 waves Active Skirmish APD cannot raid the gang base Exception: If the APD is actively pursuing a suspect they may enter the active skirmish for 1 wave but may only attempt to apprehend/neutralize the pursued suspect If fired upon by another group of civilians the APD may return fire APD cannot request first wave backup APD cannot utilize armed aerial vehicles Exception: If the APD has actively pursued a suspect they may utilize the guns in an attempt to neutralize the suspect following standard armed aerial vehicle engagement rules however cannot return fire on any other civilian(s) that may fire upon the armed aerial vehicle APD Ticket Guide Attempted Kidnapping VL $35,000 + SW $35,000 + SW Jail Warrants Probable Cause. Add if a civilian has attempted to take an APD officer hostage. APD Officers are not to use the black PO7 currently as the weapon only lethals. Once this is fixed APD Officers may use it again.
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    1. APD Officers that might not be aware of the APD Reserves system please read the following post. 

    2. For any previous APD Officers of the rank Patrol Officer+ wanting to return to the APD that have been removed for inactivity within the last 180 days may request a Patrol Officer Interview upon re-applying to the APD. 

    @APD Member

    1. Billeh


      ehhh maybe next week 

  8. Chapter II - Use of Force Vehicle Shooting Ground vehicles may open fire once it has been determined that the suspect is clearly evading. If an armed aerial vehicle utilizes its guns on the APD or the civilian population, the APD is authorized to use any means necessary to destroy or neutralize the vehicle. If an aerial vehicle is slinging an armed vehicle that utilizes its weapons on the APD or the civilian population or is guiding AA missiles into an HQ, the APD is authorized to use any means necessary to destroy or neutralize vehicle(s). Any means necessary only encompasses bypassing APD Rules and Procedures and not Server Rules. During this period you do not have to follow APD Rules or Procedures as long as it contributes to ending the any means situation. Exception: Corporals cannot authorize PO lethals during any means necessary. If an APD Ghosthawk or Armed Huron has been stolen the APD may use any means necessary to recover, neutralize or destroy the vehicle. Chapter XII - APD Escort Event[edit] SGT+ FTO+ can start an APD Escort Event. Maximum amount of APD Officers able to attend APD Escort Event: Small Escort Event - 6 Medium Escort Event - 8 Large Escort Event - 10 APD vehicles associated with the APD Escort Event must use emergency lights (code 2), no sirens required. APD Qilin/Prowlers pulled for use in the Escort Event must have a minimum of 2 occupants. Any civilian interacting/interfering/seen participating with the APD Escort event may be shot on sight by the APD, no RP is required. Example: Blocking the road in front of the APD escort event motorcade, trying to pit police escort vehicles off the road, etc. (Rules Chapter 17) Lethals must be used during the escort. When starting an APD Escort Event use common sense for the minimum amount of APD Officers you should have present before starting it. As you're aware Orcas have been removed from Corporals and are now for Staff Sergeant+, Corporals will now have access to Hellcats. This decision was made by SAPD independently as the Orca is a decently armoured aerial vehicle and would be more balanced for civilians if they had to fight a less armoured aerial vehicle. Corporals that pull an Orca will be disciplined as it is a vehicle they no longer have access to at their rank, we suggest Corporals sell their Orcas however this is not mandatory. @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member & @APD Member
    1. Noahhh!


      Thank you Mr. Chief Constable Sir.

    2. Millennium


      ty chief of police captain sir!

  9. Chapter XIII - Fines and Penalties Ticket values may be adjusted by a Patrol Officer+ Patrol Officers may issue a discount of 25% off the total bounty when there is no Corporal+ online. Corporals may issue or authorize a discount of up to 50%. Sergeants Corporals and higher have the ability to discount tickets at their discretion. Deputies can’t change ticket values without a higher ranking officer’s approval. Deputies can only authorize pardons when no higher ranking officers are online. APD Ticket Guide Abbreviations as listed in Wanted+ Menu The listed ticket prices below are mandatory for Deputies, you may not deviate from the current listed amounts unless given approval from a higher up. SW - Seize Weapon SV - Seize Vehicle Depending on the suspect and the roleplay, Patrol Officers may deviate a ticket up to a range of 25% 50% (Can write half tickets) when no higher ups are available while Corporals have the ability to discount tickets at their discretion. when no higher ups are available. Chapter XII - APD Escort Event Active SAPD SGT+ can start an APD Escort Event. APD vehicles associated with the APD Escort Event must use emergency lights (code 2), no sirens required. Any civilian interacting/interfering/seen participating with the APD Escort event may be shot on sight by the APD, no RP is required. Example: Blocking the road in front of the APD escort event motorcade, trying to pit police escort vehicles off the road, etc. (Rules Chapter 17) Lethals must be used during the escort. SGT+ must authorize lethals at an HQ prior to starting the event, Deputies must utilize SDARs. Sgt+. conducting the Escort may distribute Carrier Lites to Patrol Officer+ for the “Large Escort”. @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member & @APD Member
  10. Preface - Application Process and Rank Progression[edit] Application - Application info can be found HERE Interviews will test the rule knowledge of candidates. Asking a senior APD member for an interview is the best way to delay it Applicants that have previously been at the rank of Patrol Officer+ and removed due to inactivity within 180 days of submitting their APD Application may request a Patrol Officer interview. Patrol Officer Rank Reinstatement Anyone that has achieved the rank of Patrol Officer+ and was removed due to inactivity that re-applies to the APD within 180 days of their removal may request to receive a Patrol Officer Interview. This gives the option for removed APD Officers that have already achieved the rank of Patrol Officer or higher from having to serve 7 days as a Deputy and be required to make their times during those 7 days to be eligible to receive a Patrol Officer Interview. Chapter XIV - APD Equipment & Ground Vehicles Active SAPD may utilize undercover hex icons to facilitate undercover operations. May only be utilized in Public APD Channels @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member & @APD Member
  11. Chapter VI - Dealing with Vehicles Illegal Vehicles Any armed vehicle, Ifrit, Strider, Hunter, Taru Bench, Jet Aircraft, Pharmaceutical vehicles and any variants of the Blackfish. Illegal vehicles are subject to search and seizure Chapter XII - APD Escort Event[edit] Active SAPD can start an APD Escort Event. APD vehicles associated with the APD Escort Event must use emergency lights (code 2), no sirens required. Any civilian interacting/interfering/seen participating with the APD Escort event may be shot on sight by the APD, no RP is required. Example: Blocking the road in front of the APD escort event motorcade, trying to pit police escort vehicles off the road, etc. (Rules Chapter 17) Lethals must be used during the escort. SGT+ must authorize lethals at an HQ prior to starting the event, Deputies must utilize SDARs. Sgt+. conducting the Escort may distribute Carrier Lites to Patrol Officer+ for the “Large Escort”. Chapter XV - APD Aircraft If an APD hummingbird enters an area of engagement and/or is in the area where an active gunfight between APD and civs is taking place, the hummingbird may fire upon engaged ground units without sending a text, upon the direction of a corporal or higher. Hummingbirds may mirror the guns hot status of any active Ghosthawks. However, this does not apply vice-versa. As always post any questions below. @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member & @APD Member
  12. Preface - Application Process and Rank Progression Application - Application info can be found HERE Interviews will test the rule knowledge of candidates. Asking a senior APD member for an interview is the best way to delay it Ranks Deputy Entry level APD officer, should be learning the rules Upon promotion to Deputy, anytime you login for the next 3 days must be on cop. If you log into Civ within this period, you will be removed. (This does not apply to previous officers of the APD.) Minimum of 1.800 minutes on Server New Deputies will no longer be restricted to playing only cop (they can log in and play Civ) in there first 3 days as a new APD Officer. As always post any questions below. @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member & @APD Member
  13. This is all weapons illegal and legal. If a suspect has a charge/committed an action that warrants the seizure of a firearm and a higher-up was involved in the situation you would need to be granted permission by said higher-up. If they're involved in the processing at that point they're involved with the situation so they would be the higher-up, at this point an officer would need to confer and be granted permission. Good explanation - "If you are not in the situation then you don’t have to deal with the request and also being in Kavala doesn’t mean you were in involved". If you were not involved in the situation then the officer(s) involved wouldn't have to ask permission as you wouldn't be the higher-up in the situation. Eg. A Corporal is responding to a Pharma and a Patrol Officer has apprehended a suspect in Kavala and doesn't feel it neccesary to seize the suspect's weapon. As the Corporal or no higher-up was involved in the situation he would not need to ask for permission to allow the suspect to keep their weapon.
  14. APD Ticket Guide Abbreviations as listed in Wanted+ Menu The listed ticket prices below are mandatory for Deputies, you may not deviate from the current listed amounts unless given approval from a higher up. SW - Seize Weapon SV - Seize Vehicle Depending on the suspect and the roleplay, Patrol Officers may deviate a ticket up to a range of 25% while Corporals have a range of 50% (Can write half tickets) when no higher ups are available. VW - Verbal Warning LEO - Law Enforcement Officer Two chances for a suspect to pay a ticket is required, while a third chance to pay may be given as a courtesy. You should not exceed three chances to pay. VL - Seize Vigi License # - Lower Vigi Tier Suspects MUST to be sent to jail if they fail to pay their tickets or have an escaping jail charge (No ticket to be given). Gov't - Government Ilg. - Illegal Suspects MAY be sent straight to jail for charges of hostage situation, charges of kidnapping a Gov't Official, 15 or more manslaughters. Pharm. - Pharmaceutical Veh. - Vehicle All crimes involving a weapon may result in the weapon being seized. The highest ranking officer involved in the situation decides whether a weapon will not be seized. Verbal Warnings are given as a courtesy Pos. - Possession (*) - Automatic Charge Patrol Officers and higher have the ability to add charges. Proper judgement should be used when adding charges. Keep in mind that when a charge warrants the seizure of a license it does not mean you have to seize the license at the time of processing. All crimes involving a weapon may result in the weapon being seized. The highest ranking officer involved in the situation decides whether a weapon will not be seized. The introduction of this line to the ticket guide is to ensure that Officers confer with their higher-up and get permission from them to allow a civilian to keep the weapon they're in possession of. As always post any comments or questions below. @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member & @APD Member
  15. Chapter XI - Federal Events[edit] Federal Events are defined as The Federal Reserve(Fed), The Federal Penitentiary (Jail), and the Blackwater Weapons Facility (BW/Blackwater) Order of Priority: Blackwater, Federal Reserve, Jail No RP is required to engage players that are participating in a federal event (doors being cut open and/or bomb planted). All APD are free to fire on players in these circumstances. If you see a player (Clearly participating in a federal event) you can shoot them. APD may not enter the domes prior to the event unless someone is trapped inside If 5 or less officers are online during a Jailbreak, wave rule is not required. If an officer leaves an active fed they must return to the HQ before the next wave can begin. Exception: If all the cops at the federal event chase the rebels out of the federal event (The outer Anti-Air Circle) the next wave may begin You may re-enter the federal event if chasing a suspect in. Active Federal Events If the bomb is planted or doors are being cut open If there are 4 or less officers on duty, then the officers who are online are not required to respond. APD Officer(s) can be instructed by an active SAPD/Retired Chief not to respond to an active Federal Event and may instead conduct other APD duties. APD may not utilize vans at any federal events. This is intended for balance so civilians doing Federal Events aren't forced to face an overwhelming number of APD Officers uneccesarily and active SAPD/Retired Chief can prevent this at Federal Events as otherwise Officers would be obligated to respond. APD Officers are still able to play the server and make their times (rather than the alternative of logging off) whilst an active Federal Event is taking place for balance. https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/index.php?title=APD_Handbook&diff=3538&oldid=3531 As always post any comments or questions below. @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member & @APD Member
  16. Chapter VIII - Searches and Seizures Seizure of Vehicles Illegal vehicles should be seized at the end of the situation after getting the order from the highest ranking APD officer at the situation. Civilian vehicles left at Federal Events/Bank/Art Gallery will be seized. Vehicles containing $350,000 $500,000 or more of the following can be seized: Illegal items (Market value) Weapons (Market value) Drugs Contraband (Market value) Vandalized APD Hatchbacks are subject to seizure. Chapter VIII - Searches and Seizures Search warrants allow Sergeants+ to enter the premises to capture suspects and/or contraband. The raid must be announced and must be exercised within 45 minutes of the situation being deemed clear. Search warrants can only be executed 5 minutes after notifying the owner or keyholder, unless the suspect is in custody. House/gang shed searches are authorized when: An APD member has a form of probable cause (bounty, illegal weapon, etc.) and witnesses a civilian interacting with, shooting out of, or taking refuge in/on a house/gang shed in any form. The Sergeant+ has discretion on whether or not to conduct a search. Example: A Civilian utilizing their house's roof or balcony to provide a combat advantage while engaged with the APD. https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/index.php?title=APD_Handbook&diff=cur&oldid=3495 As always post any comments or questions below. @Deputy Chief of Police @Senior APD Member @APD Member
  17. Chapter V - Processing Suspects While processing a suspect they may waive their rights verbally or in writing and allow and officer to process them despite any active situations. Once waived, the suspect cannot take back these rights. Suspects may waive their rights to pay tickets and opt to be sent straight to jail. They are to be placed into a “panic room” with the door closed and they can be processed. A “panic room” is a room with a single door. Chapter XII - Fines and Penalties The wanted player must be in a “panic room.” If someone enters the room and starts shooting, processing must stop. A “panic room” is a room with a single closed door. Chapter VIII - Searches and Seizures Seizure of Money Any person(s) who is seen involved with a robbery of any kind, inside an illegal area, charged with conducting a federal reserve robbery/drug trafficking, or interacting with a vehicle that falls into these categories may have any cash seized upon their search. Chapter IX - Checkpoints & Patrol Guidelines Traffic Stops Traffic stops can be conducted when a vehicle’s driver or a passenger is wanted or is seen breaking traffic laws. Only check the licenses of the driver or passengers who are wanted/have committed a crime in front of an officer. Speed Limits are as follows: Inside city limits - 75 Km/h Outside city limits / back roads - 100 Km/h Outside city limits / highway - 125 Km/h APD Checkpoints Patrol Patrol Officers+ may leave city limits Chapter X - Illegal Areas Airdrop raids: Officers may only enter for a singular wave. Sergeant+ must be present for the raid. Airdrops may be raided with a maximum of 5 officers. May only lethal individuals within the airdrop. APD Officers may not utilize Armed Aerial vehicles or Armored vehicles for the raid. APD Officers must respond Code 3 to the zone. Airdrops can be seized after the area has been called clear. Sergeant+ must authorize lethals at APD HQs for Patrol Officers involved in the raid. As always post any comments or questions below. https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/index.php?title=APD_Handbook&type=revision&diff=3494&oldid=3263
  18. Happy Birthday @Brolaf & @Millennium 

    1. Millennium


      Ty mr chief constable man sir

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