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R&R Medic
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Everything posted by Joce

  1. And then both groups submit on you for "not valuing your life" good times
  2. You can almost understand what its like to be a Medic when group A says revive or die and group B says dont revive or die....
  3. YES> EVERYTIME. Especially for peaches.
  4. if you upgrade the "turbo" on a ground vehicle it lowers the weight. So if you upgrade a hemmit transport then a huron can lift it. That is the heaviest ground vehicle that can be lifted. No upgrades to the heli make it carry more.
  5. Joce


    HELLL YEA. One less cheater to worry about. Scram!
  6. Lead by example. I usually try my luck with some RP in most situations if the other player doesn't bite i move on no big deal. I do find people willing to RP if i start up though.
  7. The Muppent Gang. Lead by none other than Kermit The Frog. They had the full cast all properly color coordinated Ms. Piggy pink, ETC.
  8. If I am driving home from the store and a cops smashes into me with no lights/sirens I am gonna sue the shit outta the APD.
  9. I9-9900k @ 4.9gz rtx 2070 asus hero ix h150i pro 16 gigs Corsair vengeance 3200mhz 512g M.2 Samsung evo SSD 4tb western digital black at 7200rpm i run on a 4k 75" TV on ultra everything fullscreen.(60hz native) 55-60fps even on a rainy kavala night.
  10. Congrats on not being a child anymore!... by legal definition

    1. 1-800TryHards
    2. logan69


      does that mean we can fuck?

  11. @Mercury ... Would you be willing to weigh in on the R&R side of things or byea?
  12. N64 Goldeneye looks better than CSGO.

    1. MAV


      Idk about looks better but is a far better game

    2. Danger


      Yo Golden eye was fire. I loved that shit 

  13. Toggleing maybe, but finding which of the 3 settings works best for you,
  14. i ran into this with fullscreen , windowed, borderless settings with dual monitors. Fullscreen was the fix for my scenario.
  15. Yo where is this GTA stuff. PM me
  16. Joce

    Olympus Twitch

    If you stream Olympus or know anyone who does, add it here. I want to follow you.
  17. Someone with the power delete all my forum attachments please.

    1. Joce


      THX! whoever you are.

  18. Back in the day ban evidence used to be thrown out the window if the submitter said that shit.
  19. Joce


    Miles? who the fuck uses miles anymore? Thats some bullshit 3rd world countries like Liberia and Myanmar use.
  20. For lots of reasons... I miss Jesse.

  21. after reading all the evidence, IT IS CLEAR! Klutch is the hacker! We do NOT negotiate with terrorists!
  22. Time to get out the ban hammer. Especially Cats.
  23. Joce


    The name of the game is get as many revives as possible = most money possible. Helping one gang or another makes a medic lose money, usually not gonna happen.
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