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Everything posted by kirby3701

  1. Had to work like a mother fucker to sign back into this page. Rip Dabest loudest mother fucker out there, but we always had good times. Much love and fly high brother.
  2. Listen bro, he's just upset we eat his third world country for a good time, show the man some sympathy and shorten this shit by like 30 minutes.
  3. @ Kamikaze How could you do this man so wrong, He's clearly looking at the npc as you can see from the video. Lift this shit now smh.
  4. I guess we're one of the loved gangs @Creepy @xDRO
  5. kirby3701


    o7 @NokiaStrong even though I didnt get an @ still had good times on rdr2 with you and the whole BW group. Have fun.
  6. I was 100percent serious, ill link you a video if you wanna see how to do it you pepega
  7. what, you want a tutorial video or something?
  8. For 1 I didnt get an @ so fuck you, second o7 the videos you send me from time to time are disgusting. Was fun watching you pass me on cop
  9. Just give facts, you don't have to give your opinion
  10. @Creepy Can we hire this guy, I can't fly worth a shit and @xDRO is inactive
  11. Not saying all people are like this but come on man. I have left and right opinions but god damn is shit like this cancer.
  12. Fuck Greta Thunberg, when I skipped school all's I got was bad grades
  13. Obviously its fake, There's snow outside
  14. Black Friday working retail, activity at a minimum but I still want in.
  15. @xDRO Teach this mans to pop off like you.
  16. nah thats a big tiddy anime thing
  17. Whats this called for research purposes.
  18. Monitor 1 - https://gyazo.com/a08d502628e14f16278ee6420307ed1a Monitor 2 - https://gyazo.com/c770ae1b727728183a362637e1664cc6 Monitor 2 reacts to sound.
  19. Play whatever server you want, don't really matter all that much. If you're looking to play just one server can't really give you a solid answer because there isn't much difference.
  20. Ever heard of combat stance?
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