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Everything posted by Chaos

  1. Chaos


    I’ll take it skip. Catch me in ts
  2. I got a few. Mainly I just want to fight for balance and help make playing civ less of a chore unless your fighting. Just want to represent the civ population ya know
  3. Does this mean there will be no civ rep vote? Kinda was looking forward to running in it.
  4. Already got a fake grandma and an Arigato. Thanks tho
  5. Thermal nightvision, make me an offer
  6. It is the only sport in the world where bare knuckle boxing is an accepted part of the sport and has rules in place for it.
  7. Another admin wants to be dicked ok. 


    VX rat.


    sellme pulldowns @Arigato

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Chaos


      @Ignis eye of Sauron. Lord of the rings!

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      21 minutes ago, Arigato's Bitch said:

      @Ignis eye of Sauron. Lord of the rings!

      Ignis loves a bit of ring play ;D

    4. Xlax
  8. Work with those every day, can confirm won’t take his weight lol
  9. Having drown and been on fire I can with 100% certainty say that drowning is it chief.
  10. What are you even worried about just rdm them. Worst case senario 3 day ban. Worth it for the meme alone
  11. T as in Titans? And liek you actuall frost? Pm me.
  12. Fuck vigis. Rat shit.
  13. Wait can I sign up a team?
  14. Ayo beta cuck @Grandma Gary fix my goddamn name pls

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      I'm about to get me a beta, gamma and maybe even a delta bitch. No golf bitch though cause fuck golf


    3. Chaos


      Agreed fuck golf. Also I know I’m the  alpha it’s ok.

    4. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Gamma? The fuck happened the Charlie

  15. Aight @Grandma Gary you want some.

    you old as fuck grandma lookin ass. I do not believe you can be a administrator of the server with your age and memory loss. Just comes with age its ok you can retire now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chaos


      Of course you can’t hear anything dear your old as fuck. And now your starting to go senile.. better make a call to the men in white suits.

    3. monster


      @Grandma Gary Something fishy is going on with Chaos's name

    4. Chaos


      I feel like mr boonie rn and I don’t like it.

  16. Chaos

    The End

    o7. I remember little boy scream
  17. Chaos

    DMS for sale

  18. Chaos

    DMS for sale

    3 mil
  19. Thanksgiving*
  20. 1 free “I won’t ghosthawk you” coupon?
  21. Vote for Fushigi I want to rdm him.
  22. Chaos


    Hey don’t bully toasty, he’s my fwend.
  23. Chaos


    I’ll miss you little GovNo rat. also BW is ded gang sooooo Wait I’ll find a recording of 13 year old toasty when I get home.
  24. Chaos


    Wait so first off if anyone needs your money it’s me... and secondly where tf is my @....
  25. ETA on gang wars then?
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