Best Shot: Badaim/Fushigi
Best Driver: Fushigi
Best Heli Pilot: I dont fucking know, no one is good
Best Officer: idk
Best R&R: Epi pens
Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): Fedot
Best RP'r: Ham
Most Tactical: BFO
Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Stuuurt / Bdog
Most Reliable: IDEK
Most Dedicated Player: 3 rip
Add some kind of illegal dp mission
MTP/ NATO gear added
add RPGs
Go karts maybe?
add pilot helmet and range finders
add beret for civ
auction house
^ those are just some random ideas
Add all drug cartels back and warzone outpost. Make warzone happen again
I don't understand why complexity would ever not be allowed to fight....
Like They play on here as well as other places, like fuck you gonna disqualify me because i play dayz? Or A3L?
People just don't want to get dicked on.