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Senior SWAT
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Everything posted by HyperGoat

  1. make me mod no balls
  2. Opinion on driving a prowler on top of fed when players are doing dome strat 🤔 

    Scummy or respectable? 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Linka


      thought I was replying to a new person wtf @ HyperGoat  we used to counter such worse shit then mfers being on the dome

    3. HyperGoat


      My thought process is vans were removed for this and jumpspots (At fed and BW). If you want to land on top of the dome the only vehicle that should take you up there would be a heli IMO. 


      @ Linka  If you have 5-6 people fed, you can't always play the normal strat around the dome. You have to play dome strat. 

    4. Linka



  3. Who understands the gang levels pretty well? 

    - What's the best way to Lvl them?


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. silton


      Doing events makes the most. Gang base being highest(shocker) down to banks and art gallery. War kills and cop kills are also a good way to make xp. Will leak the full list for 5m ingame.

    3. HyperGoat
    4. HyperGoat
  4. Bro keep going I was at 200k now im 67M I believe
  5. @ Huskers Let the nurse tell you what's best
  6. free rab1d Bring back Talindor prove me wrong, Best chief
  7. I see a lot of "I used to run the APD like this", "I used to this"... But like you said, your time has passed, and it's not your decision anymore. It's up to the new scrubs. Nor am I defending Sr.APD or siding with you. Its just something you'll have to bring up to staff meeting. Ranting/Crying about this won't be like Talindor coup back in 2016-2017
  8. Selling 3x broken 4 craters in DP 23 (count as 3 craters) - already on realtor Starting at 10M each Selling a 2 crater in abdera 4M
  9. is there conquest yes or no? 

    1. Lucien




  10. who do be still playing?


  11. #Free JayGordo the man did nothing wrong


  12. #RonforpermCorp Dont make me say it,


    I dont care that you broke ur elbow

  13. #Ronisgay #Pride #givehimhisshitback @ Ron  

  14. no hes the reason I lost all my G-Hawks... but he does deserve it
  15. ill only comeback if Zurph is unbanned, or im going to share a black square on my instagram..

  16. clash need one more

  17. Need 1 more for clash 🙂 Add HyperGoat

  18. now the server going places with the man @Trenton The God
  19. yay I can post my stream again :)

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