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Developer II
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Everything posted by Milo

  1. As I said in your support ticket: When it comes to Olympus one of the only things we have a zero tolerance policy for is cheating. Players who use third party software to give themselves an unfair advantage ruin the experiences of our players; which is something we tend to take extremely seriously. As a staff team we do strive for transparency which is why we let players see their ban information on their stats page. Cheating however is one of the only kinds of bans we will not release information for. This is out of principle and out of respect for the severity of the infraction that has been committed. Now to go back to being that unprofessional staff member that responds with GIFs:
  2. @ vilkas  Happy birthday 🙂!!

  3. Hey, I am really sorry about this. When I was watching the video that was attached in the report I saw that he was nowhere near a red zone and I missed that the turf became active when he was shot. That is entirely my fault and I sincerely apologize you had to spend time out of game for it. When I'm on later today I'll try to send you some comp for the time you had to sit out. Apologies again.
  4. I've seen so many people not comp their way into a ban just to try and negotiate it after the fact so they could have it reduced or removed. Obviously not in all circumstances will someone want comp and we do not endorse "force comping". Though if someone is being really petty with their dispute reason and the player tried their best to be apologetic and remediate the situation with comp; odds are we aren't gonna ban them for that. I feel like a lot of people don't even think about how much money they can make in the bare minimum 24 hours of them being banned compared to what they'd have to comp. Drives me nuts when people cheap out and shoot themselves in the foot for something that could've been avoided if they would just try to right their wrong.
  5. I haven't really chimed in on one of these posts before but would like to put out two things: I don't believe we have any actually racist staff members. I don't believe the server is currently dying. Although David has summed it up really well, I would like to expand on both of the above. For the first one, I can say having access to internal administrative discussion; there hasn't been anyone that has ever spoke to me or said anything about banning anyone over race. I think one of the trickiest thing our administration team has dealt with in the past and continues to deal with is being on the same page. Every once in a while someone will either make a decision that only half of us agree with or where we discuss something we never have before and we debate on which is the best way to handle something. We all try to be on the same page at the end of the day but realistically sometimes people face bans for things other may not just due to varying admin discretion; or perhaps even just a personal mistake. I think this can also be caused by discretion for ban lengths too. I probably give out way more warnings than I should where as another admin may see it as "if I ban them then they can just put in an appeal so we can have a discussion about it". For the second one, I like to remind people that this server has not only survived (but for the most part thrived) for the better part of more than 10 years. When I first began playing the server 10ish years ago I was 14 years old. If you'd have asked me whether this server would exist in 10 years I would have said heck no and would have talked about Arma 4 haha. Over the course of these years that server has experienced a crap load of hardships before where people talk about it "being the end" or that "the server is dying". The largest was in 2018 where the gaming community Asylum even made a joking video about Olympus going under with a flat heartbeat of the Olympus logo "dying". Not only did we not die then, we have out performed the community significantly these past couple of years. Although the game itself has been on a decline with it being old, I don't really believe the server is dying. That being said I do recognize that there has been a lower relative player count as of recently. Looking at it objectively, if I had to say the largest struggle we have been seeing recently is that Bohemia has been (unintentionally) kinda been bending us over with their updates. They will push them out and we will have little preparation as to what is actually in them and sometimes they will break things that we are physically incapable of fixing. That's why in this past month lag has been higher and we were dealing with people having issues loading in. We've made a lot of changes to increase network performance, optimize the client and reduce lag over the past few months. We do appreciate our Turkish and other ethnic players and enjoy having them here as regulars
  6. @ KermitZooicide  Congrats on Senior Wiki Curator 🙂!!

  7. @ Karma Happy birthday :)!

    1. Benne


      hes a day late @ Karma dont give him the erep

  8. Discord is having an outage that is affecting peoples ability to see channels. If anyone is having issues it is not just you.

  9. Although sometimes this just flat isn't an option depending on where you live (generally more rural means less options and worse service) but if your ISP is not giving you the rates are quality connection they oftentimes "guarantee" the best thing you can do is have them send a technician out to fix it. Whether it be a bad modem or router equipment they've given you or a bad line that is being ran to your house; usually they can do something about it if you haggle them to come on out. Realistically if there is a problem with your internet, it is their job to fix it as that is also what you are paying for. I've seen a lot of ISPs give out refurbished routing equipment that should've been tossed in the trash too. The technicians who come out are usually a lot more real and helpful then the people you'll get on the phone and will recognize and address those issues. Sometimes you'll also just be limited by where you live or you'll have an ISP who doesn't actually want to cooperate in the ways that they should because it costs too much money. If you haven't spoke with your ISP though I'd give it a shot as that may also solve a lot of problems for you
  10. How to fix a corrupt PBO Method 1: Utilizing the Olympus Mission Updater the program will automatically replace your corrupt PBO with a new and repaired version of the Olympus mission file. It is worthwhile noting that the Olympus Mission Updater is created by Olympus developers, open source and has actually been publicly signed by Microsoft as a verified application. If this does not work and you get an error like this it is likely that you need to close your Arma, then re-try. Method 2: If the Olympus Mission Updater did not work another alternative can be deleting the corrupt PBO so your game will attempt to download a new non-corrupted mission file next time you join the server. To accomplish this you may follow the following steps: Connect to Olympus and try to load in using a unit slot. Disconnect from Olympus and close Arma 3. In File Explorer in your top bar enter %LocalAppData%\Arma 3\MPMissionsCache Within that folder sort by "Date Modified". Verify that the file at the top is the most recent and not the oldest. Delete the most recent PBO file. If you are not certain that you actually deleted the problematic mission file or it is still not working, it is safe to delete all PBO files within that folder and that will resolve the issue as well. Deleting PBO files will not delete any saved data on any server like preferences or keybinds. It simply just means any server you previously connected to you will need to redownload it's mission file like it was the first time. Which you will only need to do one time. How do I know if I have a corrupt PBO? These symptoms include: Not being able to load in and receiving errors that have paths with __cur_mp.altis Loading in and spawning out in the water and/or the map being Stratis with no map markers Nothing worked This has been reported as an Arma inherent bug as a result of spotrep-00115. Players suffering from the Arma inherent issue will experience these symptoms across other servers; specifically servers where there have been mission file updates or where players have never downloaded a copy of their mission before. There currently is no known solution to this issue but it is a bug that Bohemia is aware of and is trying to address.
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  11. The event will run from 4pm-1am until the end of October. After that it will not be able to be run again until October of next year
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