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epicshot12 last won the day on July 10 2016

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About epicshot12

  • Birthday 09/05/1998

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  1. Just so everyone knows I made the Google doc now stop bugging the admins about it :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fedot


      Wait u did? I though i did :Kappa: 

    3. Snare
    4. Skeeter McGraw

      Skeeter McGraw

      Derek, lol. Message me on steam. 


  2. derek your not 18

    1. Brennan


      You are not the father.

    2. DeNiaL


      You are not the mother.:Kappa:

    3. Orgondo


      Can prove I am the Dad

  3. When MC And TI get cartel raided


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rusty


      i got revived after i got shot by the ghostawk, then i got texture bug and never got back on.

    3. Dustin87


      2 hours ago, G.O.A.T. said:

      >mfw 5m in titans/.50s/ifrits were lost


      rip the 3 hawks doe

      +1 for mad men gif. Did you sieze my 50 i went to eat dinner and left it in the hands of mory, usually a bad sign.

  4. Think about it from their point of view they have to deal with apd apps and crap like that all day 1:30 as dustin said is nothing i waited like a week then another week to just get my test but i have seen just a little bit of the process they have to go through and trust me its no just as simple as accepted
  5. @DeathDingohappy bday fam kangertech lives on

  6. Peter- "Moob do you think you can make it all the way to the end to fight ti?"

    moob- "I have a mk200."

  7. I gave @Marty a $500 pardon ticket then as a joke asked him to talk he actually talked to me:blink: i am in such shock rn <3

    1. Ham


      Marty talked on Christmas. :D

    2. Chaos


      was there can confirm marty spoke

  8. Its great to have @Maverick back looking forward to playing with u :P 

  9. im gonna miss u too was fun started in ss together its been a long but fun road dont go to far fam
  10. its great to have @Dustin87 back he is a TOP TIER OLYMPUS PLAYER
  11. ham.... why u leaving we was in LGN together ill see you around fam dont go to far you were a good shot great at rp and overall just a great person
  12. I'm switching to server 1 don't need it anymore house has 50 ingredients 50 red gull 50 water 50 lock picks and 6 blood bags asking 6 mil but it is negotiable
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