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Olympus Plus
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Everything posted by Ninjaman427

  1. We tested it on Tanoa. Fuzy shot me ONCE with an AK-12 and I was domed. Front glass is OP, side glass is weak as fuck.
  2. 1 7.62 shot to the side glass is not OP.
  3. @Poseidon Unless the server population picks up steadily, we should not have this big of a map on Rust.

    1. Fuzy


      2nd day the server has been up, give it some time bud.

  4. That's nutty dude...
  5. @Poseidon ETA on Olympus Rust server?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. DeadPool


      @Poseidon this is why your my favorite dev

    3. Not Important

      Not Important

      Im pumped to see some quality rust tages. :Kappa:

  6. All of this extra, useless shit needs to get removed from the Airfield hospital. Drops everyone's FPS quite a bit. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Symfuhny
    3. Muthinator


      Upgrade your potato. 

    4. -dante-


      Wouldn't say everyone. Ive never had issues at hospitals yet. Unless it kavala during aids sessions. 

  7. Been playing as a vigilante for 20 minutes, 4 combat logs with bounties over 300k. 

    1. Muthinator


      Can vigis send bones to jail?

    2. Ninjaman427


      @Muthinator Yeah, but there is no way for us to get the money from it.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Peta


      coz u always get shoot from behind   images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSZnKYF7tceEsrX1K7pEg1

    3. Dustin87
    4. Augustus


      I got killed by some random Kavala scat with a PM once when I had a protector in direct face to face combat , don't feel bad haha

  8. Packets incoming. SOS

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Make sure you gather that nifty evidence ;) 

    3. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      I've been getting hit with that nasty DDOS too.

    4. Fedot


      u talk about it like its a std

  9. Anyone have a fix for not being able to access the scroll wheel options on NPCs? Already verified game cache, soft logged, hard logged. Can't figure out quite what is causing this as it was fine last night, and I did nothing but start the game when my computer booted up this morning.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fedot


      Profiling Build broke everything


    3. platinumfire


      oh is that what is causing it thanks ive been having the same problem all day


    4. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      Switching to profiling build helped

  10. Shoutout to my boys in TI for taking the W against MC.

  11. @Trumper You lucky.

    1. Show previous comments  37 more
    2. Dustin87


      Only works in minimized screen, but doesnt in this format


    3. Ninjaman427
    4. Dustin87




      Waiting here if you want to take it to TS @Bubbaloo Burrito Wont post about it on forums, not trying to get moderated or banned.

  12. Ignore my COD pic, enjoy the roast. Parental Advisory: Explicit Content inside. (Real roast at 9:15). Highly advise people of the African American decent to ignore this post and move on.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mory Mango

      Mory Mango

      I came at you? Seriously? You're dumb ass just started saying i'm bad for no reason then all your fuck boys sat back and laughed at the word nigger. Don't try to make it seem like you were defending yourself.

    3. Rusty


      Don't come in the ts and try act good.

    4. Mory Mango

      Mory Mango

      No one was trying to act good, I came in to play rocket league with symfunny. Then you come in and try to impress your shit tier followers.

  13. Finally this SS kid will be out of T.
  14. Updated the setup with a mounted TV. http://imgur.com/xll3pu2


    1. yoitsdanny1


      That is a work of art - phew.

    2. Goodman
  15. Perfect! My sleepy mind couldn't even think of that caliber haha.
  16. Vigis aren't supposed to be Anti-Rebel, they are bounty hunters. Cops are the main force against Rebels, besides of course other rebels. If you give vigis access to the caliber that most cops have access to, you throw off the balance that is there.
  17. 6.5 would be too strong for vigis honestly. If they get the MX-C they will just start text engaging people and sniping. Vigilantes should remain a close quarters faction, as we all know how sniping with the sting can go. Maybe make a tazer version of the vermin? Something better than the 9mm.
  18. Cake about to catch a perm from killing all of these medics fam.

    1. bornnativee


      i reported steven go look at my post


    2. -dante-




    1. Ahmed99
    2. Augustus


      Can't believe how well you took that. I probably would have fell out of my chair

  20. How much Olympus money can I get if I donate all of my graduation money? @Poseidon

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      You're too late Muthinator, we're soon taking that over. Ace thought he could protect OS, yet he was too weak.

    3. Muthinator


      You will have to pry the R&R out of my cold, dead, fingers!

    4. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      Where's the problem in that?

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