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Everything posted by platinumfire

  1. damn savage thats how its going to be i got ya, two can play this game
  2. @Goyneyyy This is my job in the community ya trying to take my clients?. JK tho i too do logos and am a graphic designer.
  3. Now all you have to do Boonie is make your own version of this song. That would be amazing
  4. Story Time Guys! What was your favorite song when you were growing up, if your still growing up *cough cough* @Lil Bill that's okay. Mine:
  5. Well just found this Gem. Used to listen to this like every day when i was younger  



  6. Im just gona say if Tanoa ever comes back, which i hope it wont im gona become a full time robber cuz boy am i gona make some money shitting on little kids
  7. u think ya can take on a 6'7' giant?
  8. So is anyone attending Pax this year 3 weeks and counting. Hype train!
  9. Hey @Sociopathic ur to provide me with this mans vids not @I Am Fuzzy
  10. VX/MC staff what is this haha

    but seriously @Danger Congrats!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. platinumfire


      PFFFT that doesn't matter he was in vx for like ever

    3. TheRandomOne


      1 developer, 1 designer and now a mod. The SB takeover?

    4. Danger


      The undertaking has begun :KappaHD: 

  11. Like this? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    1. heyday


      Might as well 

    2. Joel


      Like this and I'll like this 

  12. ya know i was giving my honest opinion with constitutive criticism if this is how you want to act when Im actually posting something i think everyone feels and then giving insite to fix said problem. Then sir you really have been in the position too long.
  13. MC Teamspeak isn't the whole community.
  14. This is a great post @Goodman props to making it covers a lot of what people are upset about, but this cute post doesn't make the server better action does. I think if the staff made an effort to actually engage with the community with ideas MORE FREQUENTLY then some of these people would be like "hey these Staff/Admins actually care about how well their server and loyal players are doing and are keeping us involved" this once a month State Of Olympus would be better if done like once a week and hell it doesn't have to be @Peter Long set up a twitch account so that all staff members can stream Arma3 or what ever game they choose to play. Having that 1-2hr engagement a week from the staff will go a long way. Think of Olympus as a big Gang okay and the staff are the leaders, but you only see them like once every 3 weeks and they on like a hour how do you think that gang is gonna last....Not very long and that's what Olympus fells like to a lot of members like me. We asked for this type of stuff before you as a leader a face of this community have to keep us in the loop we cant be asked to connect the dots cuz we don't have that leadership role. This is pretty much a rant but its how i feel at the moment k so deal with it.
  15. @Linka are you trying to take over the forums? cuz thats my thing 

    1. Linka


      I'm number 8 of the top members suck my dick 

  16. Ever thought about getting out of Kavala? might help your problem
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