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Everything posted by aaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  1. why would anyone want to go on a cruise with a bunch of fat retards lmao?
  2. Lmao fucking loser
  3. Bye retard
  4. Oof some of y’all take this game way to serious lmao.
  5. Would if to RDM if
  6. Ok then my extra chromie homie
  7. Any time you get tazed by vigis you’re 100% ok to combat log since they aren’t people
  8. As of right now its 100% not worth it for the money. lets look at the small convoy, 500k. you need 3 cops on, so that means you need at least 3 civs to have a good chance since cops will keep coming back. assuming u kill all the cops like 15 times and you make it all the way to sofia, you clear what, 200k each? and that's assuming that no other civs show up and try to fuck you over. IMO the location shouldn't be marked on the map, and maybe increase the spawn timer to 3 or 4 mins to give time for cops to get there. since there's no wave rule cops can follow in a heli or keep tabs on it from a car. this would give people a much better chance of being successful, and make it more balanced.
  9. The fix is to buy a new one
  10. Tazer mx’s? If so offer
  11. Hmmm very believable
  12. At that price range I would receive men’s you buy used parts. Or save up a little more like mcDili said
  13. Nn wasn’t a thing before 2015 and it was just fine
  14. Oh yea it’s super easy to tase cops when you live in the shitter of the world aka New Zealand and it’s pretty much like using a lag switch.
  15. Are racist songs allowed?
  16. you need less memetages and more exercise.
  17. hmmm interesting
  18. it takes regular 556 i thought
  19. wheres the "yes, but you're still a shittter option"
  20. Let’s learn how to tie a noose.
  21. I've gotten bored of this game and I have too much shit going on IRL. I Just wanna say even thought I've been pretty toxic, I had a lot of fun on here and most of you are pretty cool. After 3k hours and over 2 years, this game has just gotten really stale for me. @Panda :) I've known u since i started playing on here and you're still gay for blowing up my taru. @Dante Fleury Thanks for perming me for being salty u got shot. @Homicide Thanks for being my biggest fan. @G.O.A.T. Thanks for keeping me blacklisted. @everyone who I'm to lazy to tag i still love you. Anyways Arma's dead as fuck ill be back if it gets lit again or if a rust server happens. Its been real boys.
  22. Rust is dying rn cause every server is dead within 3 days, but its still better and will probably be fixed soon.
  23. wtf how much CP is that
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