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Everything posted by Poro

  1. Hey guys! Looking for League of Legends Highlights??? Come on down and subscribe to Poro's LeagueEsportsHighlights! Get your daily highlights of each regions teams! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCth-mgqGA0NDJBrsoXJukNQ

    1. HyperGoat


      ill msg you my penta's

  2. Sucks to suck
  3. wait so no chief test?

  4. Yeah I heard this is a pretty good mouse https://www.amazon.com/Donop-wireless-Gaming-Receiverfor-Controller-white/dp/B00BV72X1U/ref=sr_1_9?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1484376424&sr=1-9&keywords=pc&refinements=p_36%3A1253503011 Looks pretty good for the price.
  5. Dam Ace is back as Chief, hype 


  6. Yeah that's not how it goes. You've obviously fucking talked other random shit because you rage at the game.
  7. Can I get a large fry and a ice water please?
  8. Greedy, you already make enough money as cop.
  9. God the US is going crazy :/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheRealKyle


      Just the leftists having a meltdown because they finally realized electing a criminal at the DNC was the wrong choice. Well all be fine in a few months.

    3. Marty


      but the true leftists who were actually informed didnt vote for clinton they voted for sanders in the primaries

    4. TheRealKyle


      Exactly and the fact that there not talking about how the DNC was rigged for Hillary but rather harping on trump is where the issue lies.

  10. GG Cubs

    1. Pledge



    2. Dangus


      Let's go fucking cubs lets go.

  11. Seems like a good support team member to me.
  12. Nah, I think you're imaging things......
  13. No.
  14. I think we might have the same name :/
  15. SGT Virus LOL
  16. I alright beat you once why should I have to again.
  17. Kuuda you're better than Ham don't worry.
  18. Either just get rid of the server in general to save money or open up a 3rd Altis Server. It should really depend on the population. Since school is going on again now the population is not constant full 24/7. I think making a 3rd server for Altis would be great, but im just unsure on how the population of players would distribute.
  19. Ha only if you get could actually connect.
  20. Black Type 115 for cops please... :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Poro


      @BlackJack They didn't add any new ones recently with that new update. The Spar 16 I think is like 50k.

    3. BlackJack
    4. Dejay


      quoting poseidon here. "I'm too lazy to code in the black gun for cops. shut the fuck up"

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