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Everything posted by Monomer

  1. 3 gigs of RAM should def be enough for a simple game like arma
  2. Banned for cheating on Gmod ;-; Rip 3 years of being loyal to Olympus
  3. or grape juice
  4. Looking to purchase a .45 6.5 or 7.62 suppressor for the right price. Please post what you have for sale and how much you are selling it for in the comments.
  5. I like your sig photo of you as a medic gunning someone down

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. falcon


      THATS MY BOY @Sociopathic, Socio is like the only person with more than 3 blacklists on record. 

    3. Fedot


      32 minutes ago, afalcon said:

      THATS MY BOY @Sociopathic, Socio is like the only person with more than 3 blacklists on record. 


      Also this is why there is an Age minimum, but sometimes for example Sociopathic people wont mature as fast. Normally due to the low testosterone dew to small testesuicals. Can you confirm this is why @McDili @Muthinator @Isaac Newton

    4. RubberDuck


      It's also a redundant statement.

  6. Yea the event was great! Thanks for hosting it guys. ***ATTENTION*** This is the APD Jeep. Land now or be followed for a short time until we no longer see you.
  7. music and shaking name... keep it spicy

  8. new arma update makes it so I cant join the server, what do i do now

    1. TheDogsGoMoo


      Wait till the server has been updated

    2. -dante-


      Gotta wait until they update the servers.. whenever that is

  9. Yo wtf? You will unlock these cars if we donate the right amount? This is outright against the Arma 3 Monetization rules. I love this server, honestly, but this is just slimy. Just remove all the restricted features in-game. If you need money to keep the server up then apply to the Arma 3 and Dayz monetization site and sell car colors and shit, I would buy that; or just make a goal saying "we need this much to keep the server running".

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      It's obvious we need money to keep the server running. The extra in game items are just a nice gift for those who help us keep running. 

    2. Linka


      From what I've heard, the person who enforced that in Bohemia left. I'm probably really wrong but it's what I heard.

    3. Welch


      I wish we could buy in-game perks, like say get 2 produce per item grab or faster gather rate. We could also get discounts/paycheck-increase like the old donation system had. Or if you wanna go full GTA, we could just buy money cards, but that's a little too much pay-to-win.

  10. Bitch slapped, butt defiled, robbed, licked from head to foot I twas molested by a tree
  11. Quite
  12. I got booty bumped by tree several times this morning
  13. Rep is 777 gratz

    1. Tman15tmb


      I'm batting a solid 185 lol

    2. BENJI
  14. The sourest of grapefruits can be sweet to a hungry man.

  15. Rip APD hopes and dreams
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