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Everything posted by Linka

  1. i mean both idrc lol 6 for house 1 for garage
  2. https://gyazo.com/b0428b729a075769e44791242f772422 < --- 3 crater (about 600 meters from rebel, 1km from brewery, and about 200 from air garage) 9aaf89aeade084d05d41e87e719aad87 < --- Garage *Same stats as above* https://gyazo.com/27c7d05fa1332b94f04b59a5ba0315e1 < -- whole thing PM offers
  3.  i dont get kills but im sure someone can use this 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Matt Black

      Matt Black

      33 minutes ago, Mustache_Schultz said:

      I wish I could get the past 1:19 of my life back

      That would be a waste of a wish.

    3. Ham


      Can't get kills if you don't play.

    4. darn fool

      darn fool

      Why the hell did I watch this again?


  4. Linka

    Heya (:

    @G.O.A.T. he's coming for your spot
  5. Congratulations, You're officially a faggot.
  6. where is ham 

    1. Ham


      I don't play too much anymore.

    2. RambleR


      Did u steam remove me ham :(

    3. Ham


      I would never

  7. I don't check forums lmao, happy birbday alec 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Joel


      1 hour ago, ScreaM said:

      hey I'm alec and my birthday was yesterday too @Linka

      Is this another case of the parent trap????


    3. Linka


      I was referring to scream actually 

    4. Linka
  8. now that you're 17 do your prices go up ? @GummyCow

  9. Linka


    Just buy it. It's a game man, just have fun. Most people don't go out of their way since it's a low chop anyways.
  10. i really love when its 80 degrees and the next day snowing :L

  11. there is more of a chance of joel hacking than phizx hacking in money.

  12. I disagree, anyone with common sense and tell who is who. tags should be able to be unique, not re used with each gang.
  13. @RambleR how does that work if i havent posted on there in almost 3 months? ;=;

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