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Everything posted by bigPat

  1. Ill do 7.25 for that shit man. I want another memeshack!
  2. @N7Zero heard you had credit card eyes

    1. N7Zero


      i heard there was a storm coming thats gonna cut off ur internet. :dejaywink:

  3. bigPat

    New Sgts

    that was a mistake, but was corrected. Shutup yes very good
  4. Could not agree with you more.
  5. No, Patrick. Very bad thing. Do not do. Ban will happen. Account wipe will happen. Dont do it. Very bad.
  6. So all the boys from Memeshack are waving the white flags to whoever is hitting them off.Image result for white flag


  7. its still available, asking 1.2 for it.
  8. bigPat

    Spar 16 taser

  9. @TheCmdrRex
    I heard you were a fat tripple chin cheese ball chicken noodle my dood. 

    1. -dante-
    2. DeadPool


      Can I play skadoodle with your noodle chin?

  10. Bumping this post. I want to sell as much of my SR APD gear as possible to free up space in crates. Hit me up on Teamspeak or a PM here. I will be on most of the day so lets get it done.
  11. Just PM me a time and Ill let you know the place.
  12. https://gyazo.com/ccaa9e974f238ff701360511fdfc527b Last Offfer I had was 4mil. Willing to take something close to that, I want to sell it asap.
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