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Everything posted by Augustus

  1. Yeah, old hospitals were so much nicer. Please, revert back.
  2. pls exit the forums, thanks
  3. let assent play or riot
  4. cya next week
  5. Never had problems with the old bridge. Only problem was there was the sudden turn at the end and I always missed it. Just make it wide enough to support to cars and have guard rails, and that could work. Prob laggy tho.
  6. it was useful as hell though. All they'd have to do is make it wider and it wouldn't be aids.
  7. bring back the bridge
  8. Is the gang wars going to be the Asylum or Olympus system for Gang Wars?
  9. Nice. remember when I did a fuel truck derby in the salt flat arena, that was pretty fun.
  10. moonshine + meth i heard
  11. Olympus and Asylum Gang Wars! Oh damnnnnnnnn.
  12. Happy birthday Plug!

  13. Augustus


    plus oneeee
  14. Nice to see that deputy is finally being changed to cadet.
  15. Since when was @Airman a texture designer?

    1. Airman


      Happened about a week ago.

  16. Not part of the APD (yet ) but I've heard great things about your work as the chief of police. I look forward to seeing what Moob will achieve as chief as well. o7
  17. Well, there's already some progres on it. Hopefully it's added sometime.
  18. Gun is pretty terrible, but be happy that you don't have to use stings anymore.
  19. Yeah, you're fine to advertise a YouTube channel if you want. Just don't advertise any other servers etc.
  20. so is the auction house still a thing orrr

    1. Ventar


      nah i dont think

    2. Bow


      @Jesse is the auction house something you would consider working on as a donation goal? :wub:

    3. Augustus


      @Bow Yeah, this would be cool. Would work well with black water items 

  21. Yeah, this is better.
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