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johnny goose

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Everything posted by johnny goose

  1. What is bro wafflin about idek you
  2. A goose strangling femboy**
  3. I shouldve taken your warning he scammed me too
  4. Wtb a few tasers off you brother dm me on discord "strafewho"
  5. I bet some really handsome goose strangling femboy bought them
  6. wtb mar10, dms, envg, and all pcovs dm me on discord
  7. I dont see the option for femboy thighs and freshly milked femboy cream but thats what i usually pack for lunch
  8. So if i transition i get a senior position right

    1. Not Skateezy -Don't Ban-

      Not Skateezy -Don't Ban-

      apparently Olympus has diversity, equity, and inclusion funding to meet ESG scores

  9. Thats cool and all big W but when can i be unblacklisted
  10. Damn @ T o b y getting baited 3 times. Give him a consolation price fredo he has the c word (terminal)
  11. 5 commentstors this time. Me, you, nelson, buckie, & linka
  12. Just ignoring the part where i was included? He left because it was a fuckin snooze fest of commentators with no one for him to bounce off. Put me nelson & @ buckie on there and we will get oly the most live viewers its seen.
  13. I had to force my way into the commentary room last GW give me access to see whats happening live and ill carry this shit. Need @ a polite young man with me though.
  14. i love how broken conquest is, swat not getting money for 1/3 of the caps. RPGS crashing games. And mako kicking anyone he pleases !

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Linka


      @ Mako  I'll fix the like ratio do you worry pal


    3. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      @ hawkg  youre 15, work at mcdonalds, and cant even join the swat team lil bro

    4. The Antichrist

      The Antichrist

      @ The Sovereigns Pet   You umm... taking detailed notice of the lives of children on olympus bud?

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