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johnny goose

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Everything posted by johnny goose

  1. Happy berfday poseidon

  2. Hello everyone! How has your day been? Mine has been pretty bad :( been sick all day. Hope you have had a FANTASTIC day and you make millions of in game virtual money. (Is this what you want gary?)

  3. Anyone down to play the culling? Just picked it up.

    1. Ventar


      Games bad, Waste of money.

    2. obeymatt



    3. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      I like it combat seems clunky gonna give it a few games before i decide.

  4. Heres the thing cops play super fucking risky they have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Now that theres a risk to being a cop and playing like a autist people will bitch and moan. Just dont play like you did 2 months ago and actually play tactically
  5. Just 1v4d bt and NSM twice. The fact you can ever get killed by me is sad.

  6. Socio dont get tempted. You have me.
  7. Im just trying to be cool socio we can watch anime later tonight. ; - ; your afk and your name says your in bed why are you on fourms.
  8. Then why dont we fix the things you guys are saying also causing these things we dont need a medic working on a truck in a garage. We dont need all these skins. Alright you guys are right. The server is perfect how it is we dont need to fix anything we get 111 player per day on each server consistently its hard to fix these things. I understand now. Thank you for clarifying why olympus is a perfect server and every bug on olympus is bohemias fault.
  9. No prob beebee <3 I actually dont watch anime. Ive only watched one i litterally just use it as a meme.
  10. Admins,mods,devs stop tip toeing around the issue and adress it. We get there are other variables. Theres a tipping point though before the new hospitals we had no texture bugs at airfield. So saying "The npcs are playing a part." they might be but the new hospitals are obviously the major effect. Custom textures are cool and all but when they effect gameplay there should be a line drawn. Theyre from custom textures the hospital is littered with them needlessly
  11. Ok we get it stop tip toeing around the issue and address it. I know i sound like a dick but jesus this is the only server that ive seen that texture bugs we're telling you how to fix it untill 64 bit comes out.
  12. God fucking damnit i just changed accounts to.
  13. Guess ill start posting back under strafe. Yes i was auri.
  14. So im back. Linka decided to leak that i was playing under a new name (VERY RARELY). Props to everyone who knew and dident leak it. Im not here to talk about that. Im here to talk about the Olympus decline. Now im not one to talk i know that but has anyone noticed olympus declining. This isent me either. Untill about 2 months ago there were no posts that claimed Olympus was declining aside from a few of the salty posts. Im simply here to say Olympus is declining. Its easy to understand. I know theres gonna be kids in the comments who say "Olympus is great" these people will be the people in large gangs and only fight cartels and occasionally rob people to make money and admins saying "Olympus tops out at 100 players a day" im not talking about players. I have not seen a player join Olympus and stick to it for some time. What i mean is that Olympuses fun and playability is on a decline. Need proof? (Link moderated) Anyways, hopping off this account after i post this so i wont respond to anyone.
  15. Peace. See ya nobody vigi. "Little as kid" yes im that "little as kid" no one likes lol. Im actually 14 and not squeaky but ok. Yea shadowplay dosent cause framedrops but when someone shoots at me from up close i freeze for around 1-2 seconds ive died from it a fuck ton i think there was a post on it. Love you jesse send nudes. Not sheltered at all and im pretty sure the world isent as toxic as olympus is ive been in some fucking toxic communitys olympus has been the worst. Im not crying im simplying saying why i think olympus has gone downhill since i started playing in mid 2014
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