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About Krisskross

  • Birthday 03/18/1992

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Krisskross's Achievements


Immigrant (1/7)



  1. Happy birthday man!

  2. As a person who plays cop for the rp this is my perspective. I always agreed with the idea that the apd on Olympus is supposed to be a faction that protects the interests of an individuals' experience. When a terror is called we load up and our first goal is to push the rebels out of the city so that regular civilians don't keep getting shot on sight. When a civilian says they are getting robbed at platinum we load up and stop the robbers and maybe even provide an armed escort. The apd is here to show solo/small groups of players that they are technically never alone when doing legal activities. BUT when the entire apd force is tazed and restrained in kavala square everyone loses faith in the apd especially apd players. I hate the idea of having to be on guard 100% of the time. I like shooting the shit with new players in the square or rping with someone who has a ridiculous story explaining their charges. If I am processing someone and I get shot in the back I still have the opportunity to respawn and chase that fucker down, but when I get tazed and restrained I am now helpless. Clearly the community is split in regards to whether cops should be able to be restrained. So if restraining cops is going to stay I expect the overall experience of all players to change as a result and in my opinion not for the better. Expect rping with someone so long that the rest of the cops go out to find more criminals to disappear. Expect the cops in the square to worry more about themselves instead of the civilians. Expect big gangs to continue making exuberant amounts of money selling drugs because cops are to busy dealing with hostage situations. And finally expect less players playing/applying to be on the apd.
  3. Lets start with vigi abusers first
  4. Cops will start tazing other cops as a legit fed strategy
  5. Nothing is stopping them
  6. But no one has money anymore because they have to keep buying new cop gear
  7. bro krisscross long time no see glad to have you back. What happend man btw its 

    -PURE P.K

  8. This is the kind of censorship this community does not stand for now good day to you sir
  9. Why are there no fresh spawns being shot in the leg when they put their hands up? I expect better from you, Frank.
  10. Congratulations to me for making myself senior R&R #GIMMIEPERMISIONSTODOTHATGARY

    1. Orgondo


      Congrats babe, ill skype you later and make sweet love to you. So proud!!

    2. Ham



  11. Buy him Popeye's and you'll find out
  12. What is your ideal date food?
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