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Everything posted by Toasty

  1. no one cares
  2. Help my bro hit 10 followers on twitch! 


  3. twitch.tv/aquabread

  4. @xDRO imagine o7ing you fucking pussy.

  5. Hearing the @Creepy is a Noble lover is the biggest joke of 2020. Not only the fact that you didnt know he reserves the right to coinflip player reports at his own disclosure.
  6. can i have corporal back
  7. why is the first video, yellow
  8. Since people have been trying to grab IPs, Ill make it easier. If you want my IP just lmk and Ill give it to you.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Toasty


      yeah man thats me!

    3. milos inflated dev2 ego

      milos inflated dev2 ego

      im sending the packets they should arrive in 2-3 business days sir 

    4. Toasty


      @i chop hatchbacks can you send some wendys while youre at it?

  9. So thankful to have been named Medic of the Month for July. Lots of hard work has been put in to achieve this goal of mine. Shout out to all my supporters.

  10. youre about 3 years late for cartel fights bubs
  11. anyone play destiny 2?

    1. bummm


      i play tarkov. I used to play with some guy named aquabreadttv

  12. I was waiting for something to happen the entire time
  13. Goin hard in the paint for Medic of the Month. Aint none of yall taking this shit from me.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      What happened to the AS VAL lab rat toasty

    3. Toasty


      @ooooooooo I have come to my senses and decided to condemn violence entirely.

    4. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Combat medics changes are gonna floor you ;D

  14. Had a really nice day playing medic toady, engaged is some exhilarating role play and windows key warrior action.

    1. SPBojo


      Im glad to hear you had a good time on medic Toasty! 

    2. bummm


      play tarkov now

  15. bitch lasagna 

  16. Dont ever @ me or dogshit @ThatNerdyGuy again retard.
  17. right, you must be the type to buy Belle Delphines bath water.
  18. Onlyfans lmao. You know pornhub is free right?
  19. Ruth?
  20. i am a valorant addict.

    1. snipeZ
    2. Millennium


      Yeah im confused how do u play ranked, i hit play and then go from there. Shit is too ez rn

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