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Senior APD Member
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Wong last won the day on January 28

Wong had the most liked content!

About Wong

Olympus Plus
R&R Medic
SWAT Member
  • Birthday 08/16/2000

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13805 profile views

Wong's Achievements


Citizen (3/7)



  1. Congratz on corp @ RUNNER
  2. Best I can offer is 10k
  3. @ maxg  congratz on finally getting to SrAPD lil bro 🙂

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Doof


      APD on top

    3. Milo


      I absolutely love back and fourth status updates like this haha

    4. Big Boss Fredo

      Big Boss Fredo

      Good work PO @ Wong on getting those new players doing weed runs while the real NYPD is at ur HQ taking over zZbp8XH.jpeg

  4. @ Arven  @ knifemaster  @ Mr Miscellaneous  forgot to give you guys a huge congratz. Proud of you all and glad to see you all slaying it at feds helping jrs. Yall are great and very proud of you.

    Happy Reno 911 GIF by Comedy Central

    1. knifemaster


      what are you on about wong you never see me ❤️

  5. Welcome to the SAPD @ billdroid

    1. knifemaster


      @ billdroid  just don't do what i did and youll be fine

  6. @ Karma  congratz Lion 🙂

  7. We are about to go into the new years epic gamers. This new year the APD will be made great again!

    Celebrate New Year GIF by Nora Fikse

  8. @ Jordan540  Happy birthday, maple syrup handjob for breakfast 😃?

  9. How bro felt "typing" this thinking we would just "understand" "sir can you put that gun away" Proceeds to absolutely slaughter the cop
  10. Merry Christmas @APD Officer @Senior APD Member

    Merry Christmas GIF by WWE

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Donut McBusted

      Donut McBusted

      Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

    3. CATO


      I celebrate your christmas too guys, have fun drink much as you can 👍🙌

    4. maxg


      rumour has it the casino hits on red all of Christmas day @ Wong

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