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Everything posted by Wong

  1. Yes of course. Thank you for your help!
  2. So I fixed it. Just wanna throw it out there how... I updated my graphics driver and cpu drivers. Its flawless now. I hate computers and how they work.
  3. So I found that I was random ping spikes. Will hold a steady low ping, it randomly jumps to 200-500. Gives me no message received or lags the fuck out for a min. Nothing has change physically with my set up. I dont have access to do a hard line to the router as its on the other side of my apartment. I use a little usb adapter for my internet connection. Its a Net Gear AC1900. Has served me well for little over a year and no issues. Just curious if anyone can help me trouble shoot what to do.
  4. So ive been getting back into arma 3 lately and for some reason after about 2 weeks of playing I am now consistently getting the "No message received" all the time. Just wondering if there is something I can do for this or not. My internet isnt hot shit and im the only one that uses it. Just annoying because it is so consistent now and happens all the time.
  5. Hi Venom I miss you, please make me a corporal again. Thanks.♿

  6. wait so can I go kill everyone or...
  7. uh cringe
  8. I got food poisoning from chick-fil-a -1
  9. Wong


  10. wait who are you?
  11. If not strae u gae
  12. I didn't get the one thing I wanted for Christmas Just wanted an exacto knife to do calligraphy on my arms with...
  13. Hear me out... make a van skin that has the FORTNITE battle royal battle bus skin on it
  14. That was pretty shit ngl.
  15. So I just bought this new gaming laptop and installed TS. When I got to set a hotkey in TS it will not work. I can set the key I want but when I click it in TS it will not do anything and I have tried multiple different keys. Anyone have any ideas??
  16. https://gyazo.com/993bc5facacd8ed819ed061d9ac5a731 https://gyazo.com/d917b336785f9fd74aef9a55ee488d3f https://gyazo.com/24c8afe12b6f058ec4b712a8575132e1 https://gyazo.com/34b3ce141bde1d00b68b2a8290df1126 No words are needed for this truly compelling story. 07 you will be missed dearly
  17. you're*
  18. Yeah I stepped down later babes!



































    P.S. Fuck you @Pledge you suck ass and you were a lot cooler person before you became a massive brown-nosing power hungry bitch :D 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nurse Lou

      Nurse Lou

      usually only see apd as massive cockriding fags +1 respect for this one

    3. -dante-


      Hahahahaha anyone who @s pledge is good in my book 

    4. KrispyK


      jeeesus ilu wong

  19. Anyone looking to play some vanilla ARK?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Arigato


      Yeah, I’ve had it installed for a month now and haven’t touched it

    3. -dante-


      If someone buys it for me I’ll punch dinosaurs 

    4. Apathy


      Ill play... You gotta be patient though since I have had it installed for around 2 months and havnt even started the damn game.

  20. APD Coin Flips or Riot

  21. this looks like prime time for memein on kids
  22. In the long while that I have been apart of the APD I never thought I would make it to sAPD I want to throw a huge thanks out to everyone that helped me out on my journey through the APD. I look forward to be able to do the same for many others.

    1. Savage


      thats what badger said right as he got sergeant :Kappa: 

    2. Savage


      no hate intented just memeing

    3. Wong


      @Savage this is my way of +1ing you bud

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