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Parker R

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Parker R last won the day on April 7 2024

Parker R had the most liked content!

About Parker R

APD Officer
  • Birthday 02/01/2000

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Citizen (3/7)



  1. @ Millennium  has been selling feet pics to minors. (Im 12). c43eec0ffdb0a4748eb8e655603fcece.png

    1. -B-


      Where would one send payment? …asking for a friend.

    2. Millennium


      You're missing the happy birthday message on it

  2. Happy B day @ xsmitherz . The CTF's average age now is 37. @ I Am Fuzzy was cooler

  3. Current status on the CTF 🛌😴

    1. Olsson


      They got tucked in today

      Can't even win with 2 infinite money staff sAPD mass pulling hawks and armed planes😭

    2. stayclaxxy


      i would hate to have to drop 159 titan rockets

  4. I would like to take this chance to thank @ Caden  For holding the Caden Task force down today. he has successfully defended the Fed from gay savages and ddos threats. Hero's don't always wear capes.

    1. Parker R

      Parker R

      @ Caden

      Please refer to me new/updated ban appeal

  5. hope ur kids are doing well man!

    1. Stripes


      I left for milk 

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