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R&R Medic
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Everything posted by Dog

  1. http://www.mediafire.com/file/eqx78ktzf9i4045/Adobe.Premiere.Pro.2019. @TayK I uploaded a cracked premiere pro like a month ago
  2. aye i made it onto someones goodbye list how you gonna mention lunchbox before me smhead
  3. Lies
  4. You cant type in side-chat when your dead. You talk in a death chat with everyone whose dead. Your text shows up in white/gray.
  5. Dog

    @hawk congrats brother

  6. https://discord.gg/5vUpdQn

    My rust server is now live for testing if you would like to help join discord. To the join server just put Animosity in rust browser

    1. J O E

      J O E

      Did you keep tp and kits?

  7. Dog

    L O L

    whoa toxic
  8. Dog

    FOV changing

    zoom out/see more, also i don't like to be so zoomed in. preference really
  9. Dog

    FOV changing

    yeah what my goat said.
  10. What jordan540 does when he's not on cop.

  11. Get a quad and do apples!
  12. vigi should only have po7's change my mind.
  13. @falcon you is bitch

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. falcon


      3 hours ago, Kyle Lake said:

      Do not bad mouth my liaison like that!


    3. -dante-
    4. Dog


      noo falcon is bitch



  14. o7
  15. fuck you falcon!
  16. Dog


    look pretty coo mane
  17. @Jordan540 since we doing throw backs 


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