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I saw someone get shot

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I was at a party n I seen a girl that I used to talk to and we kinda started talking again n we were gunna go back to my house but she brought a friend with her and her boyfriend. we were on an Indian reservation and mad black dudes showed up and mad Native American dudes show up.. so everything is fucking normal nobody is fighting everything is good and these indian dudes start screaming at the black dudes cuz they gave them a funny look or some stupid shit. so anyway a huge fight breaks out and I guess two people have guns an started shooting at eachother so the whole house is in complete fucking chaos the cops are there nobody can leave because everyone parked in the grass and shit I couldn't leave at all the place I was parked people were hitting eachothers shit .. so I know the girl who threw party so me an a couple friends all chilling upstairs in the house avoiding the huge brawl at all costs . there was like prolly 80-100 people there but anyway mad people left an shit was clearing up n the cops left . 

now.. this is where shit got fucked up.. so the girl I was talking too was mad drunk and couldn't drive . her friends boyfriend or whatever was with me an we were waiting by my car in the road for them to come out cuz they were saying bye to every last single person in the party. cordell was sitting outside my car by my window. an suv pulled up an 5 Native American dudes came out they ran up and shot him with a fuckin revolver in the legs or something, bottled him in the face and glass got all over me and and in my car and they shot him again on the ground after I saw that I peeled the fuck out and heard another gunshot, I'm driving down the street and instantly get a call and it's the girl I was talking to and her friend and they tell me to come back they left n shit I told this girl I ain't staying there lmao cops are coming etc so I come back this dude is bleeding and people at the party trying to keep him alive, the girl an her friend hop in cuz we leaving back to my house , bam cops pull up asking mad questions I drove away get pulled over 10 mins later they tell me to show my hands out the window keep them up, back up toward the car he makes me kneel handcuffs me and asks me where the gun is while he pats me down. then in sitting in a cop car they want statements and all this bullshit cuz I saw everything go down .. Jesus fuckkn christ bro I've never in my life seen shit like this happen . I forgot to mention when I pulled away from the shooting I literally got out of my car flashed my phone light over me to make sure I was good I had to check my car and make sure they didn't shoot it cuz I thought they did there was glass everywhere but naw they bottled the kid and shot the fuck out of him then stomped him while he was on the ground . I still have no idea if this dude is dead or alive but from what I've heard from the girl he's gunna be alright but Now the fuckinng kicker. This dude I never met in mylife thinks I set him up to get shot by 5 crazy savage fucking Native American kids whom I've never met in my life. So I wrote whatever the cop wanted in the statement and now I'm sitting at home wondering what the fuck just happened . literally this fucking like 250 pound Indian dude jus casually strolls up and jus point blanks him. there's still glass from the bottle on my fuckin mustang I literally thought my window got shot out... that shit def wasn't like arma man def wasn't anything I wanted a part of they were trying to kill this dude he didn't scream or nothing man but I never seen blood like that and this gun was literally right next to my fuckin head going off an im drunk n jus tryna chill. they were beating the dude into the side of my car almost when I pulled away .. lucky my shit isn't damaged lucky I didn't get fucking shot for association . I guess native Americans are super fucking racist and that was the whole reason all this shit happened, Cordell the kid who got shot was jus black in the wrong place at the wrong time I guess they would've never even touched me but who can jus sit there and mind there business when that shit is going on right next to you and you were jus talking to the dude like shit was all good ... ? fucking crazy bro 

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Just now, Peta said:

is it really that fuckin hard to use commas ???????

he just saw someone get shot, you dont need to be such a SAVAGE dude.

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brah I woke up this morning an there's pieces of glass n blood stuck to the side of my car still if I have any advice for any black folk do Not chill on Indian reservations 

Well, you're on a reservation is your first mistake, second mistake was someone starting shit with an Indian, and everyone fucking knows that Indians are ruthless. Dude, as soon as the first fight happend you should have bounced, no questions asked.

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Most I get here is some stick thin kids thinking they're hard fighting over weed.

Rad story, pain to read it though.

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35 minutes ago, FuzyDice said:

starting shit with an Indian, and everyone fucking knows that Indians are ruthless


would you say they are... savages?

  • Like 2
30 minutes ago, Lethals Loaded said:

Most I get here is some stick thin kids thinking they're hard fighting over weed.

Rad story, pain to read it though.


4 hours ago, RAYRAY said:

I was at a party n I seen a girl that I used to talk to and we kinda started talking again n we were gunna go back to my house but she brought a friend with her and her boyfriend. we were on an Indian reservation and mad black dudes showed up and mad Native American dudes show up.. so everything is fucking normal nobody is fighting everything is good and these indian dudes start screaming at the black dudes cuz they gave them a funny look or some stupid shit. so anyway a huge fight breaks out and I guess two people have guns an started shooting at eachother so the whole house is in complete fucking chaos the cops are there nobody can leave because everyone parked in the grass and shit I couldn't leave at all the place I was parked people were hitting eachothers shit .. so I know the girl who threw party so me an a couple friends all chilling upstairs in the house avoiding the huge brawl at all costs . there was like prolly 80-100 people there but anyway mad people left an shit was clearing up n the cops left . 

now.. this is where shit got fucked up.. so the girl I was talking too was mad drunk and couldn't drive . her friends boyfriend or whatever was with me an we were waiting by my car in the road for them to come out cuz they were saying bye to every last single person in the party. cordell was sitting outside my car by my window. an suv pulled up an 5 Native American dudes came out they ran up and shot him with a fuckin revolver in the legs or something, bottled him in the face and glass got all over me and and in my car and they shot him again on the ground after I saw that I peeled the fuck out and heard another gunshot, I'm driving down the street and instantly get a call and it's the girl I was talking to and her friend and they tell me to come back they left n shit I told this girl I ain't staying there lmao cops are coming etc so I come back this dude is bleeding and people at the party trying to keep him alive, the girl an her friend hop in cuz we leaving back to my house , bam cops pull up asking mad questions I drove away get pulled over 10 mins later they tell me to show my hands out the window keep them up, back up toward the car he makes me kneel handcuffs me and asks me where the gun is while he pats me down. then in sitting in a cop car they want statements and all this bullshit cuz I saw everything go down .. Jesus fuckkn christ bro I've never in my life seen shit like this happen . I forgot to mention when I pulled away from the shooting I literally got out of my car flashed my phone light over me to make sure I was good I had to check my car and make sure they didn't shoot it cuz I thought they did there was glass everywhere but naw they bottled the kid and shot the fuck out of him then stomped him while he was on the ground . I still have no idea if this dude is dead or alive but from what I've heard from the girl he's gunna be alright but Now the fuckinng kicker. This dude I never met in mylife thinks I set him up to get shot by 5 crazy savage fucking Native American kids whom I've never met in my life. So I wrote whatever the cop wanted in the statement and now I'm sitting at home wondering what the fuck just happened . literally this fucking like 250 pound Indian dude jus casually strolls up and jus point blanks him. there's still glass from the bottle on my fuckin mustang I literally thought my window got shot out... that shit def wasn't like arma man def wasn't anything I wanted a part of they were trying to kill this dude he didn't scream or nothing man but I never seen blood like that and this gun was literally right next to my fuckin head going off an im drunk n jus tryna chill. they were beating the dude into the side of my car almost when I pulled away .. lucky my shit isn't damaged lucky I didn't get fucking shot for association . I guess native Americans are super fucking racist and that was the whole reason all this shit happened, Cordell the kid who got shot was jus black in the wrong place at the wrong time I guess they would've never even touched me but who can jus sit there and mind there business when that shit is going on right next to you and you were jus talking to the dude like shit was all good ... ? fucking crazy bro 

Fuckin' RDM Man.

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sorry I am shit at punctuation.. bro I was literally embarrassed to hand the cop my written statement tooo cuz it looked like a fuckin 9 year old scribbled it 


2 hours ago, Lethals Loaded said:

Most I get here is some stick thin kids thinking they're hard fighting over weed.

Rad story, pain to read it though.


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1 hour ago, UnT0uchab1e said:

bro that is so fucked, you just played irl arma 3

bro fr I just met this kid that night and we were cool but people are asking why I didn't help and drove away like the dude who had the gun didn't even need it he was prolly 6"5 250 pounds I weigh like 130 lmfao I have no business tryna play super hero n try an break it up an I wasn't about to tell them shit cuz they weren't listening to No stories I guess what happened was the black dudes at the first fight had a gun an were jus shooting to scare people so those Indians went an got there own gun to go an kill those dudes an literally the group of black dudes that were involved in the whole deal pulled out an left the party Just as the natives pulled up behind me an this dude was just black at the wrong place wrong time 

11 minutes ago, Falcon said:

You were that scrub in kavala that just witnessed a random guy get shot next to you....

Glad your safe homie that shit must be rough to see



No fuckin lie idk how I stayed calm through all that. the guy told the natives no no I had nothing to do with all that had his arms out n they jus didn't give a fuck at all an straight attacked him, tbh I feel like it should b bothering me more but in all honesty I was worried bout myself an my car cuz I thought for sure they fucked my shit up ik that sounds selfish but I am Not tryna get shot or punched in the face over some racist mfkrs I wasn't even worried bout them girls lmao but ok when they called I came back haha 


+ I don't even deal with the police like I never get in trouble unless it's like a traffic ticket but I don't wanna get called. a snitch now too cuz I guess these fuckin native dudes are related to the girl who threw the party n we real tight so its jus a fucked up situation I'm tryna find it in the newspaper 

Edited by RAYRAY

I see this typa stuff in kavala all the time. 12 kavalian rook bangers in there natural habitat and a rebel orca lands and 2 or 3 rebels get out and then you hear the leader of the rook banger tribe yell "oooooshabooooshacoooo" and then they start banging rounds at the rebels.

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That's crazy! Its sad seeing people use arma references after you described your situation. I realize this is an arma 3 community but seriously grow the fuck up people. Glad you're alright man. Next time you feel like your in a scary situation get the fuck out. I've never visited an indian reserve myself but I hear they are just as bad as in city ghettos. Every story I have heard ends with someone almost dying or getting murdered. 

Couple years back when I was getting my EMT certification, I had to do some ER shifts as clinical observations. Halloween of 2011, I'm in a hospital that is in one of the worse parts of the city, they bring in this huge black dude into the ER. Gunshot wound which entered an inch lateral of his left nipple, and exited somewhere by his back right shoulder blade. Obviously DOA, but the hospital needs to at least try basic efforts to resuscitate him, among other things for about 2 minutes. Since I was the young EMT wannabe they had me doing the CPR on him as soon as they brought him in. I still distinctly remember how every time I compressed, he would have a bit of blood squirt out of the hole in his chest. His arm was hanging off the table and, in rhythm with the compressions, it would bump my knee. After the 2 minutes, they called it. We sat around for a couple minutes, the head doctor and surgeon were talking about zombies (referencing another patient). At one point he turns to the rest of the team and says "If that guy gets up, I'm bolting straight for the door and locking it, I don't give a shit how many of you are left in here." We all laughed, and that was about the time the cops walked in.


Oddly enough, it didn't phase me, and my biggest concern was that I'd get his blood on my fairly new pants. Whenever I tell people that story, they say I'm bizarre for not really being affected by doing CPR on a bloody corpse, on Halloween night.


That 8 hour shift had a LOT of interesting stories. Got thrown up on, saw a sharpie in pooper, an explosion victim... the works.

  • Like 2
20 hours ago, Moose said:

I think this fantasy (or something like it) plays out every night in Obergruppenfuhrer Clemenza's dreams every night.

except its the schutzstaffel and not the police.

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