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My Time has come

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2 minutes ago, Corporal_moob said:

So ladies and gentlemen of Olympus,

It has come the time for me to step away from the APD. My personal decision is based on the fact that recently video games have been taking over my life too much.

  • Working 40+ hours per week (Pushing for promotion)
  • Running arguably the largest gang on the server
  • Running the largest whitelist faction on the server.
  • trying to have somewhat of a life outside of the game.
  • wish to play other games

All over these things take a lot more time than people realize. Moreso than people could ever know. I will still continue to run MC and hopefully be able to actively participate in the Civ life a little more.

With this, I would like to take this opportunity to thank those who served under me, with me, and above me. For 99% of the time, you've been great. Personally McDili who's been there with me since the beginning, The 2 longest Senior APD members + Ares the person who gave me my first chance at Trial sergeant back over a year and a half ago.

I'd like to take a moment for people to realize how much work the Sr's and the heads of their respective factions actually do. It actually takes over your real life. Seriously. It's so time consuming.


Well Gentlemen, It's been a fucking blast.



Sergeant Moob 2nd July 2015


RIP 3rd November 2014 - 7th January 2017

You may have me beat by two months for time served, but I've got you by seven months for time served as Chief, maddafucka. O7 FGAU. 

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This cuts deep for me. Ever since I was a constable, we've rolled together on APD. So many memories...


There's not really a lot I can say to articulate how I feel so I'll just leave it at /salute


You will be sorely missed.

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8 minutes ago, Ninjaman427 said:

thank god.

Well, now that my Senior APD forum etiquette is out of the way.

Fuck off you mega fag you wannabe somebody rat.

Thanks for posting though. 

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