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Server wipe, an unpopular opinion!

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Would be pointless as it really wouldn't solve anything.

Arma is just getting stale, noone would want to put in any time to restart and new players that just started a few weeks/days ago would be turned off instantly having to start all over again.

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9 minutes ago, Rogue said:

I have head people talking about wanting another server wipe.


what do you guys think of it 


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Server wipe would be fun. people have millions of money that they dont even need. So instead of saying fuck no, hell no. >WHY<

  • Lord of Tickets

Nahhhhhhhhh. I don't even realistically use my money for anthing but load outs, but having a lot of money actually makes me a better cop and medic I feel. Hell even a better gang-mate. As a cop I don't get money hungry and turn into and robot or go after every nice guy with 1 kill. As a medic I spend more time trying to enjoy each revival instead of rushing to get every call first. As a civ I'll never hesitate to buy a full load out even if the chance of making it out is slim to none. 

That's just me personally. 

  • Like 2

 !!!Clickbait Alert!!!  @Rogue
     I say wipe :Kappa: on a comment and you make a post about it... you just want attention rogue, its okay.

     Anyways now for my extremely unwanted and likely unpopular opinion.. Through my times on this server I've found that when I have a low amount of money i'm forced into doing runs, while this can be extremely boring its a bit of an "adrenaline" rush knowing how dangerous it could be when there is A LOT of players online wanting to rob me :o however, lately I've found myself at a.. eh.. better financial status, so I've become the robber. Alongside robbing (or attempting to rob) players doing runs, I've done feds, jails, and blackwaters. While the blackwater is the new and cool thing to do I feel we need something more to revamp the server (and i'll get back to this later.) Anyways you may have noticed that I left one thing out of the list of things to do aside from runs, this being cartels! Yes I know cartels are a big thing for everyone on this server however lately they have seemed very.. bland so to speak. Its very repetitive for me, constantly buying loadouts going to the cartel fighting, and in the event of winning leaving only to have the opponents that lost come back whilst i'm off doing other things prompting me to go back, possibly dying or just repeating the cycle. Even though the general mechanics of cartels have been bland for me, its not just that. Its the scenery, its the strategies that have been used used again and re-used. Maybe we need something new. I know there are currently other cartels being worked on (or so I've been told.) And I love that idea.

     But I propose an Idea. I know that there are quite a few gangs who will be upset and say that i'm dumb, retarded, or whatever insult they can come up with because they LOVE moonshine cartel and never want it to go away. Well I respect your opinion however the Idea i've had is a sort of "seasons" for cartels so to speak. The idea would be having a rotation of 3 cartels at different locations where maybe they would change every month or 3 months or half a year or whatever. But this way it wouldn't be the same repetitive cartel fights. I dream of people coming back to the server just because they are excited for the next rotation. Also another big part of this is that not only are they the SAME CARTELS but I also find that its the SAME PEOPLE. For me, its always VX or ZF and it gets old however I feel that not only will the cartel rotation prompt gangs to come back to the server, but it will be more acceptable to be fighting the same people in different situations. This is one of the ideas that I have with regards to cartels and revamping the server.

     Another Idea I have, is to add more content to the server. Nothing big or too exciting, just more things to do.. one of them I've been thinking about is Banks! Yeah, I know its been done before on other servers and its a bit played out.. but in my experience when i'm in a robbing mischievous mood and I can't find things to rob I like to fight the cops. And a lot of situations with fighting cops include (but are not limited to) Gas station robberies, Jail breaks, Federal reserve robberies, and blackwater.. These are the "events" so to speak for gangs to do (lowest obviously being gas station robberies, they only made it onto the list for the point i'm about to make.) Now lets say you would like to rob something, but you don't want to rob civs. Your options are literally in this order, Gas station robbery --> Federal reserve robbery --> Blackwater armory robbery. There is no in between with gas stations, only needing 1- POSSIBLY 3 people (assuming you don't have large weapons and heavy armor) and a federal reserve that you need at the least a coordinated team of 6-10 people, Not to mention needing 5 cops online. Now lets talk about values quickly, Gas station robberies seem to net anywhere between 20k low and 50k high, Federal reserver robberies net somewhere from say 800k-4m (not sure exact values i think they depend on amount of cops on.) I believe that the bank could potentially serve as a "middle man", possibly needing 3 cops online, somewhat defend-able and netting somewhere between 150-400k. This way gangs who have a general low population, or gangs that just don't have many members online can still participate in "the big events" without needing to recruit more "pawns." 

     Now with regards to my wipe comment I don't want a wipe, I personally believe that a wipe is a LAST RESORT for when the server population is truly dying. Well its not, The server is in a really good state population and activity wise, however I do believe that Gang Life is dying. Now my ideas are mainly to pump gang life, not only to promote old gangs to come back, or inactive gangs to "reactivate" but to promote new gangs to come, seeing that there are more events to do that are targeted towards smaller gangs. The blackwater outpost was a cool idea and I like it, however it takes a LARGE skilled gang to pull it off.. I feel a lot of the ideas lately have been targeted towards bigger gangs, but I think that's the wrong direction. I think we need to target the smaller groups of people, because not only would small gangs be able to do these newer things, it would also give the larger gangs things to do. At this point i'm just rambling on due to being extremely tired and because I should probably be sleeping, but I appreciate anyone who has taken the time to read this, and I hope that you understand that these are just my opinions, and that I don't mean to offend anyone or prompt any sort of fight over my comments. 

PS: Rogue you attention whore I love you.



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I don't think a wipe would encourage people to play or come back, could just make people salty and not want to play.....but who knows.

  • Admin

Server is NOT dying. Also, I don't think you were around for the server wipe. At that time the server was DYING. It took at least 6 months to get back on its feet. Arma is getting old. We can't afford to loose players again by doing a wipe. 

Players are interested in newer and better things and Arma does get stale after a while. These post about gang life dying are almost useless right now. The servers are completely full during prime hours and during non peak are still more full than Asylum.

Im not sure why the complains keep coming. 


6 minutes ago, Bubbaloo Burrito said:

Server is NOT dying. Also, I don't think you were around for the server wipe. At that time the server was DYING. It took it at least 6 months to get back on its feet. Arma is getting old. We can't afford to loose players again by doing a wipe. 

Players are interested in newer and better things and Arma does get stale after a while. These post about gang life dying are almost useless right now. The servers are completely full during prime hours and during non peak are still more full than Asylum (the all mighty toxic penis server). 

Im not sure why the complains keep coming. 

Sorry, did you only read the parts in bold? because you've just said EXACTLY what I was saying. I said that wipe should only be used as a last resort if the server was dying, then after I said its not dying

21 minutes ago, Sgt. Salty said:

 Now with regards to my wipe comment I don't want a wipe, I personally believe that a wipe is a LAST RESORT for when the server population is truly dying. Well its not

This post was bottom line my opinion on the state of things, and a few ideas that I personally think would make things more interesting/appealing. 

20 minutes ago, Rogue said:

dont fucking quote me 

shh calm down bb i lof u

  • Like 1
2 hours ago, Sgt. Salty said:

 !!!Clickbait Alert!!!  @Rogue
     I say wipe :Kappa: on a comment and you make a post about it... you just want attention rogue, its okay.

     Anyways now for my extremely unwanted and likely unpopular opinion.. Through my times on this server I've found that when I have a low amount of money i'm forced into doing runs, while this can be extremely boring its a bit of an "adrenaline" rush knowing how dangerous it could be when there is A LOT of players online wanting to rob me :o however, lately I've found myself at a.. eh.. better financial status, so I've become the robber. Alongside robbing (or attempting to rob) players doing runs, I've done feds, jails, and blackwaters. While the blackwater is the new and cool thing to do I feel we need something more to revamp the server (and i'll get back to this later.) Anyways you may have noticed that I left one thing out of the list of things to do aside from runs, this being cartels! Yes I know cartels are a big thing for everyone on this server however lately they have seemed very.. bland so to speak. Its very repetitive for me, constantly buying loadouts going to the cartel fighting, and in the event of winning leaving only to have the opponents that lost come back whilst i'm off doing other things prompting me to go back, possibly dying or just repeating the cycle. Even though the general mechanics of cartels have been bland for me, its not just that. Its the scenery, its the strategies that have been used used again and re-used. Maybe we need something new. I know there are currently other cartels being worked on (or so I've been told.) And I love that idea.

     But I propose an Idea. I know that there are quite a few gangs who will be upset and say that i'm dumb, retarded, or whatever insult they can come up with because they LOVE moonshine cartel and never want it to go away. Well I respect your opinion however the Idea i've had is a sort of "seasons" for cartels so to speak. The idea would be having a rotation of 3 cartels at different locations where maybe they would change every month or 3 months or half a year or whatever. But this way it wouldn't be the same repetitive cartel fights. I dream of people coming back to the server just because they are excited for the next rotation. Also another big part of this is that not only are they the SAME CARTELS but I also find that its the SAME PEOPLE. For me, its always VX or ZF and it gets old however I feel that not only will the cartel rotation prompt gangs to come back to the server, but it will be more acceptable to be fighting the same people in different situations. This is one of the ideas that I have with regards to cartels and revamping the server.

     Another Idea I have, is to add more content to the server. Nothing big or too exciting, just more things to do.. one of them I've been thinking about is Banks! Yeah, I know its been done before on other servers and its a bit played out.. but in my experience when i'm in a robbing mischievous mood and I can't find things to rob I like to fight the cops. And a lot of situations with fighting cops include (but are not limited to) Gas station robberies, Jail breaks, Federal reserve robberies, and blackwater.. These are the "events" so to speak for gangs to do (lowest obviously being gas station robberies, they only made it onto the list for the point i'm about to make.) Now lets say you would like to rob something, but you don't want to rob civs. Your options are literally in this order, Gas station robbery --> Federal reserve robbery --> Blackwater armory robbery. There is no in between with gas stations, only needing 1- POSSIBLY 3 people (assuming you don't have large weapons and heavy armor) and a federal reserve that you need at the least a coordinated team of 6-10 people, Not to mention needing 5 cops online. Now lets talk about values quickly, Gas station robberies seem to net anywhere between 20k low and 50k high, Federal reserver robberies net somewhere from say 800k-4m (not sure exact values i think they depend on amount of cops on.) I believe that the bank could potentially serve as a "middle man", possibly needing 3 cops online, somewhat defend-able and netting somewhere between 150-400k. This way gangs who have a general low population, or gangs that just don't have many members online can still participate in "the big events" without needing to recruit more "pawns." 

     Now with regards to my wipe comment I don't want a wipe, I personally believe that a wipe is a LAST RESORT for when the server population is truly dying. Well its not, The server is in a really good state population and activity wise, however I do believe that Gang Life is dying. Now my ideas are mainly to pump gang life, not only to promote old gangs to come back, or inactive gangs to "reactivate" but to promote new gangs to come, seeing that there are more events to do that are targeted towards smaller gangs. The blackwater outpost was a cool idea and I like it, however it takes a LARGE skilled gang to pull it off.. I feel a lot of the ideas lately have been targeted towards bigger gangs, but I think that's the wrong direction. I think we need to target the smaller groups of people, because not only would small gangs be able to do these newer things, it would also give the larger gangs things to do. At this point i'm just rambling on due to being extremely tired and because I should probably be sleeping, but I appreciate anyone who has taken the time to read this, and I hope that you understand that these are just my opinions, and that I don't mean to offend anyone or prompt any sort of fight over my comments. 

PS: Rogue you attention whore I love you.



im i the only one who read the first 3 words then gave up ?

  • Like 4

There has been wipes before and last time it didnt go very well..... They kinda had to fully remove a server down to just two servers because people left.

first of all, i didnt read that huge thread and itd be nice to get a tldr. buuut no a server wipe would suck


1. last one sucked, demoralized a lot of players including me

2. would lose a lot of people who just got started

3. theres really no reason to, there are still people looking to make money, always people to rob, always people fighting, there literally are no positive benifits to a wipe.

You had to state that this was an unpopular opinion in your title, just think about that next time you make a suggestion post.

First things first is I don't want a server wipe, and I wasn't suggesting a server wipe, I was suggesting things that could revamp the server Without a wipe also I'm glad instead of contributing ideas and opinions it's already turned into a fuckfest of a comment section.

6 hours ago, DanteFleury said:

Nahhhhhhhhh. I don't even realistically use my money for anthing but load outs, but having a lot of money actually makes me a better cop and medic I feel. Hell even a better gang-mate. As a cop I don't get money hungry and turn into and robot or go after every nice guy with 1 kill. As a medic I spend more time trying to enjoy each revival instead of rushing to get every call first. As a civ I'll never hesitate to buy a full load out even if the chance of making it out is slim to none. 

That's just me personally. 

Don't enjoy revives come get me !!!!

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