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*WARNING* Rant Post.

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-OFFICERS- When you taze somebody or have them and restraints and you see their bones appear, check the side-chat before sending them to jail! I had a 1k bounty as a vigilante and was hanging around some kavala houses when shots rang out, i end up tazed and for some reason, and my ping spiked to like 748. I get kicked for ping as the side-chat message states and I directly log back in as soon as I can and I am sent to jail. PLEASE stop jumping the gun when it comes to sending bones to jail, I understand there are combat loggers that deserve it, while there are others that are honestly disconnected at the wrong time due to ping, script restriction, etc. *End rant*

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3 minutes ago, platinumfire said:

Cops dont see side chat you should know that your in the APD

you can see if people are losing connection, disconnect or die. Thats what he means

Any disconnect messages can be invoked with different methods, intentional or not. Having bad connection to the server is your own fault and if you know you have bad connection, then you assume the risks involved when play on this server. It isn't up the the Officer to judge whether your disconnect was intentional or not.

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@Brennan I agree completely. Although a lot of common sense goes a long way. *Vigilante wanted for a 1k Assault charge, tazed and gets disconnected for ping* Yep totally combat logged to get out of that ticket. 

 plus pending where  it was.... doesn't necessarily have to be the cops that send you

It's unfortunate that this happened to you but It is really rare that a 1k bounty loses connection and i personally would probably not send him to jail. 

Most of the time though, there are a lot of people who actually do log for small bounty... like how are we supposed to know if You're going to come back.

12 minutes ago, Xander said:

this should get a code update IMO its dumb that anyone can insta-send u to jail especially how often arma crashed, bugs, ect. it should be a "send bones" and it sends you if you dont reconnect within 5 mins type of thing.

Then people disconnect for 4 min then reconnect with no punishment.

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Just a heads up im pretty sure that your bones only show if you get tazed AND RESTRAINED and then lose connection...

that being said...

Granted some people do have have shitty connections and at times it does happen, but, a simple pull of your cord creates the same scenerio, generally how it works is if said person "looses connection" is quite well known or in a solid gang you can allow the chance of reconnecting, random names and random tagged will unfortunatly be assumed in Combat Logging and will have your bones sent.

Only thing you can do is record your loss of connection and use that as a ban appeal ( if it goes as far as getting banned for CL )

2 minutes ago, Jonn said:

I was there, I tazed you in crossfire and you got kicked off, there were a bunch of civs running around there as far as I know no cop sent your bones it was probably one of the civs that sent your bones. Anyways the logs will probably show it if you're really curious.

@Grandma Gary @Poseidon Could we get a check on this? I am curious. If it happend to be a be a random civ that came in the house with all 8 of you cops and sent me to jail, so be it, my bad luck I guess.

There should be a timer, like for example, "bones last 2 min, after 1 min you can send to jail at own discretion"

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29 minutes ago, Mack said:

@Grandma Gary @Poseidon Could we get a check on this? I am curious. If it happend to be a be a random civ that came in the house with all 8 of you cops and sent me to jail, so be it, my bad luck I guess.

Follow the chain of command. This is a small problem so you can ask a mod to do it as a favor but they are not required nor should they frankly considering how small this is. Don't just start tagging he head admin and owner for something so small. I understand it's frustrating, but it diesnt mean it's something that the owner of the server has to fix. You could try submitting a general inquiry if you really want to know.

If you saw the amount of times the APD have been purposely logged on, it is hard to not send tjhose bones to jail xD, although i normally contact a gang member or a person with whom was with the logged player to find out if they're coming back.  IMO if you happen to log after you get tazed and restrained and its NOT on purpose.... then you are quite unlucky as that never looks good and some officers would rather not deal with waiting to see if you're coming back.

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I was unaware that Moderators could check logs, I thought it was only Admins. My bad.

8 minutes ago, Aunt Jemima said:

If you saw the amount of times the APD have been purposely logged on, it is hard to not send tjhose bones to jail xD, although i normally contact a gang member or a person with whom was with the logged player to find out if they're coming back.  IMO if you happen to log after you get tazed and restrained and its NOT on purpose.... then you are quite unlucky as that never looks good and some officers would rather not deal with waiting to see if you're coming back.

As Jonn, the officer who tazed me stated, I wasn't even engaged with the APD. I was tazed in a crossfire, and then sent to jail.

2 hours ago, RogueMK said:

Just a heads up im pretty sure that your bones only show if you get tazed AND RESTRAINED and then lose connection...

that being said...

Granted some people do have have shitty connections and at times it does happen, but, a simple pull of your cord creates the same scenerio, generally how it works is if said person "looses connection" is quite well known or in a solid gang you can allow the chance of reconnecting, random names and random tagged will unfortunatly be assumed in Combat Logging and will have your bones sent.

Only thing you can do is record your loss of connection and use that as a ban appeal ( if it goes as far as getting banned for CL )

Nope doesn't matter if your restrained. You'll have bones whether it's a log when tased, or restrained. 


As as for everyone else: it really can be unfortunate, but if you have any proof of it being a crash or something, then you can attempt to appeal or general inquiry to try to get an admin+ to get you out of jail. 

Also, make sure that if it does happen, message the person who sent your bones so that you can assure them you didn't log on purpose. 

45 minutes ago, TheCmdrRex said:

Nope doesn't matter if your restrained. You'll have bones whether it's a log when tased, or restrained. 


As as for everyone else: it really can be unfortunate, but if you have any proof of it being a crash or something, then you can attempt to appeal or general inquiry to try to get an admin+ to get you out of jail. 

Also, make sure that if it does happen, message the person who sent your bones so that you can assure them you didn't log on purpose. 

hmm, thats wierd on a number of occasions when ive tazed someone and an instant disco happens i never see their bones :/ only when restrained and disco'd :/

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