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Hows The Purge you ask?

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I don't see how camping the gun store and just killing nakeds over and over before they can even buy a gun is fun..

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The event is new. The rules were unclear for cops, it was also rushed so much maybe if they ever do it again they will have a way better design and consider the shit you brought up.  

As stated a few times this is the FIRST ever event like this to be done on olympus, its going to have its pros and more cons than most. Cops were well over powered agreed but that changed after a few hours, OS started to spawn in gear, vehicles explosives etc etc, then shit got real.
I shit you not server two had, tigris tanks, blackfoots, kajmans wipeouts rpgs, titans. the whole of kavala got flattened lol i wanted to stream it but my frames were already getting fucked.
Next one ( if there will be ) will ofc be more organised more time to set up cool scripts and shit etc, just remember this was all decided like one day before it went ahead.
Most of your ideas did actually happen, once mcdili and jesse were on a good 20 odd crates got spawned randomly around kavala including armed vehicles too.

this was all in aid of fun, literally a KOS cluster fuck which delivered as expected in my eyes lol. oh and a good way to get my K/D back up abit lol.

I had a shit load of fun either way, i hope this sort of event becomes an ongoing thing, do different towns every couple of months or something.

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medics  literally couldn't walk more then 50 meters without a cop being around a corner and blasting us 

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my purge story...

got geared up killed a couple of cops then got killed, as I am getting revived a cop kills the medic as he is reviving me and starts denying revives, I lose my gear (which is expected) but then I go to the gun store to get another weapon and there are like 20 cops camping gunstore for an hour straight killing every unarmed freshspawn they see, then I rage quit.

cops kind of ruined the event they get to spawn with gear and then they go and do that shit,  the apd shouldn't be able to kill unarmed citizens.

that being said I was playing like an hour or two ago and admins were spawning crates with weapons and armed vehicles and I got to say it was fun as fuck. +1


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If this happens again medics definitely need to be protected or have a weapon themselves. I was watching as these plots medics were just getting gunned down lol. but the spawning of weapons was cool and definitely turned into aids fast lol. overall 10/10 would participate again. 

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35 minutes ago, Aether said:

The really goofy part about this event wasn’t actually what was going on at Kavala itself.


At least on server 2, RDMers were running rampant in Pyrgos and Athira. That shit was annoying. 

people were rdming in athira on server 1 too

12 hours ago, Nicoleee said:

The event is new. The rules were unclear for cops, it was also rushed so much maybe if they ever do it again they will have a way better design and consider the shit you brought up.  

You knew exactly what you were doing when you started gun glitching and camping the gun store. At best you were just starving yourself of content and just contributing to the shit show. Don't need to break rules to figure out you're being retarded.

Overall the event was a lot of fun, I agree that a bit more structure and planning would have led to a lot more enjoyment for everyone, not just those of us re-spawning with gear or with stockpiled weapons.

I think too many rules would have ruined the spirit of the event, just limiting the reach of the APD would have been enough to level the playing field.

Edited by Mr Majestic
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Well, This event showed the "Professionalism"  in the APD on how to properly breach a building.    (Audios pretty messed up cant fix it) https://youtu.be/8CSoYPpdNnk  ad  

51 minutes ago, Mr Majestic said:

You knew exactly what you were doing when you started gun glitching and camping the gun store. At best you were just starving yourself of content and just contributing to the shit show. Don't need to break rules to figure out you're being retarded.

Overall the event was a lot of fun, I agree that a bit more structure and planning would have led to a lot more enjoyment for everyone, not just those of us re-spawning with gear or with stockpiled weapons.

I think too many rules would have ruined the spirit of the event, just limiting the reach of the APD would have been enough to level the playing field.

if you are implying gun glitching is bannable you are completely wrong

48 minutes ago, Invu said:

if you are implying gun glitching is bannable you are completely wrong

It is of you are cuaght doing it on purpose. It's an expliot

you sound salty, it was alot of fun, have fun, its a video game overall

It also sounds like you missed out the part where Jesse, Mcdili and all the other admins got on all servers 

spawned in crates of gear, armed vehicles, and moderated everything, everyone had fun. it was around 10 pm to 1 am

Edited by Zazo
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6 hours ago, Invu said:

if you are implying gun glitching is bannable you are completely wrong

The fuck? Who implied anything about gun glitching being bannable? Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit I guess.

Edited by Mr Majestic
  • Head Admin

This was literally done with only a days notice.  The plan was to have several rebel traders in Kavala so civs could gear properly but there just wasn't enough time to make anything.  The initial few hours where complete aids but after a while the SAPD reigned in the APD and stopped camping gunstore and let unarmed civs run free and allowed people to get revived, for the most part.  

You do have some good points though and if this event is to be repeated in the future we will hopefully have more time to prep and plan.

I don't know if you where there for the last few hours where Jesse and McDili where on but for me that was one of the more memorable experiences I've had here for a long time.  If you weren't there basically Jesse spawned crates with weapons/armour and armed vehicles all over Kavala.  After the crates and vehicles spawned for anyone to use he spawned in the more powerful vehicles for APD and civs to use culminating in an armed blackfish raining wildly inaccurate death over Kavala.

The first 20 hours of the event where pretty much left up to the civs and APD to do what they wanted cause Jesse had work and whatnot for most of the duration of the event and he wasn't available till the end.

9 hours ago, Mr Majestic said:

You knew exactly what you were doing when you started gun glitching and camping the gun store. At best you were just starving yourself of content and just contributing to the shit show. Don't need to break rules to figure out you're being retarded.


2 hours ago, Mr Majestic said:

The fuck? Who implied anything about gun glitching being bannable? Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit I guess.

for sure buddy 

8 hours ago, Invu said:


for sure buddy 

Gun glitching is a thing, the statement itself doesn't imply there are any rules around it. It's almost like you're grasping at straws.

What part of "Don't need to break rules to figure out you're being retarded" are you confused by? I'm literally stating here it's not a rule, what the fuck? You really can't be that dumb. Going to leave it there and hopefully your parents can help you with your reading.

10 hours ago, Invu said:


for sure buddy 

if you dare come for my boi maj like that again....i will be coming for yo knee caps nigga....

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