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o7 from one of those terrible Medics

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  • Lord of Tickets
22 minutes ago, ThatNerdyGuy said:

If you’re playing in public channels when you play in my opinion you’re setting a great example. When I was a Senior I very rarely played in interrogation rooms. I may have been undercover to stop people stacking the channel but I didn’t hide with just my friends. I’ll always maintain the focus of a senior should be to play with as many people as possible, regardless your rank, so you can evaluate those juniors when positions need filling in the future. Not to mention in puts a face to the name when some junior meets you. 

Used to be the standard too, if you remember. Most frustrating part of being chief was when I would ask about POs for corporal and barely anyone had any intel on any of the high activity dudes cuz they avoided playing with jr apt. Seniors should be playing with ‘randoms’ almost every time they play. 

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Sad to see you go polar but I wish you the best of luck in life going forward. One of the most level headed people i’ve ever came across. I hope life treats you well. Come back and visit us, we will miss you ❤️ 

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  • Lead Map Designer
32 minutes ago, Dante said:

Seniors should be playing with ‘randoms’ almost every time they play. 

Issue is they don't play


Apd truly is doomed - both in the JR and SR areas of the faction.

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5 hours ago, Mako said:


It's genuinely crazy how I hear from @ Marcus  that he wanted the RnR rework because he didn't like the textures Sploding made and wanted a reduced size that would allow more skins [...]  the "File Size" was a major limitation considering it rivaled the APD and the APD had a larger arsenal of vehicles.

Damn bro, didn't have to roast me like that 💀💀💀

7 hours ago, Mako said:

Going to break it down since you had large paragraphs repeated

I don't hate the RnR, I just enjoy having a mild drama beef with them, the only thing I don't like is that historically nothing happens on RnR reports and it's pointless in asking SRnR to address any issues because they'll just laugh it off and continue to allow medics to break rules. It's honestly been like this since I originally joined in 2017.

I don't know what your grievances are with either Winters or Nicole but it really goes to show that you've never honestly interacted with them and can't see the backend of the faction. You don't know who isn't active, who isn't meeting their desk activities, who is getting IA'd, etc. from the outside looking in "hurr APD bad, I was removed!!" seems like an appealing thing to jump on the bandwagon however you're literally backing someone who stepped down of their own volition then lied about it for community sympathy. The 10hr minimum was meant to encourage SAPD to actually play since the desk duties they were completing were light, SAPD in the past historically put more time into the server and did their duties + some additional.

I literally got Ghosthawked by an armed medic Ghosthawk? I don't know how you can be upset about losing minor amounts of money on vehicles for a faction that literally doesn't spend any. The April Fools beef has historically led to APD vs. RnR interactions, it really isn't that personal I had a blast that day and I lost a significant amount myself. If we weren't committing war crimes against you, you would be committing war crimes against the JrAPD who didn't have a single other SAPD member on.

It's genuinely crazy how I hear from @ Marcus  that he wanted the RnR rework because he didn't like the textures Sploding made and wanted a reduced size that would allow more skins. I don't understand how you can be upset at a faction rework that expands upon what you have available requested by your leader with someone who didn't participate in the rework. It's also worth noting that the "File Size" was a major limitation considering it rivaled the APD and the APD had a larger arsenal of vehicles, the APD got reworked for the same considerations. 👮‍♂️

Have fun in retirement.

Can you just resign?

Everybody is tired of you. The only people that like you on this server do so to benefit from your rank - which was instituted, and not voted on.

Every single integral player is leaving this community due to you and people like you. Olympus is now just made up of tryhard young adults which provide nothing but toxicity to the community. You have single-handedly killed this server with yourself and your Autism crew.

You're actually starting to affect revenue for the server now so maybe Ryan will realize his friend is a gigantic retard and put literally anybody else in the role.

This community isn't even a fraction of what it used to be - and you are steadily putting it into the dirt the longer you are around in this community. You keep on whining about all you have done for this community yet we haven't seen anything practical. You pushed clothing options for donors... OK! Cool! Yet we still didn't achieve the dono goal outside of Oly+.

You are objectively a failure in your role.

Why people like @ Fraali or @ Civak aren't trusted to run this server is absolutely beyond me. Those two are literally fundamentally the reason Olympus ever sustained itself for the past few years but here we are letting gigantic retards like you: @Mako, make decisions.


Edited by Skateezy
  • +1 2
47 minutes ago, Skateezy said:

Can you just resign?

Everybody is tired of you. The only people that like you on this server do so to benefit from your rank - which was instituted, and not voted on.

Every single integral player is leaving this community due to you and people like you. Olympus is now just made up of tryhard young adults which provide nothing but toxicity to the community. You have single-handedly killed this server with yourself and your Autism crew.

You're actually starting to affect revenue for the server now so maybe Ryan will realize his friend is a gigantic retard and put literally anybody else in the role.

This community isn't even a fraction of what it used to be - and you are steadily putting it into the dirt the longer you are around in this community. You keep on whining about all you have done for this community yet we haven't seen anything practical. You pushed clothing options for donors... OK! Cool! Yet we still didn't achieve the dono goal outside of Oly+.

You are objectively a failure in your role.

Why people like @ Fraali or @ Civak aren't trusted to run this server is absolutely beyond me. Those two are literally fundamentally the reason Olympus ever sustained itself for the past few years but here we are letting gigantic retards like you: @Mako, make decisions.


It's nepotism.  Given a job that 100% doesn't match the skillset.  

Supposed to be constantly engaging the community.  Does not.  Supposed to be supporting a fun atmosphere.  Gets mad when he loses and often abuses staff powers to spawn in things he ought to not be spawning in.   If not checked, will do some extremely shady af shit to bring in server income, clearly if anyone remembers the invisible bergen incident.  Is non communicative to the community at large, only ever talking to his extremely small circle of people...  which is like, the prime failure of his entire job.  He's turned huge chunks of the community against him because he doesn't know how to earn respect of others, and has produced frequent situations with his poor judgement.

But you know what?   None of this is his fault.  I'm not even being sarcastic.  He was placed into a position, to be the first person to do the job, without any guidance, training, or coaching and clearly no leadership experience and no customer service experience to boot.   That is the fault of whoever just plopped him into that role.  Prolly Ryan.  

He might have made a really good SECOND community manager, after someone with more maturity and experienced filled out what the job is supposed to be.. but he's just winging it every day and neglecting his responsibilities to the community as community manager.   He does the DEV part of the job, does it well, and does it a lot... but his role doesn't mean DEV.  It means forward facing face of the server.  He won't even talk to most people.  He issues formal announcements, but I think almost every active staff on the server has talked to more gangs as a whole than him.. and it's supposed to be reversed. 

The smartest way to fix the situation would be to make him a Sr Dev, and Income Manager/CFO or some shit... as the only part of Community manager he concerns himself with is making the server money.  Then replace him with someone more mature, with customer service and leadership experience or just someone with a natural skillset that is well liked to do the public facing part of his job.   We don't do that though.  Because everything is nepotism.

It's a huge funny coincidence how the best person for every job just so happens to be friends with the person above them.  And that in turn creates constant situations where whenever they fuck up, it's their friends job to 'discipline' them, which we all know nobody is going to actually do. 

  • Community Manager
6 hours ago, LULA 2022 - PT 13 said:

Damn bro, didn't have to roast me like that 💀💀💀

It wasn't targeted at you, I was just told they weren't happy with what they got and then offered a rework (again).

  • Haha 1
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  • Admin

I've only spoken to you a few times  @ PolarBear but you were genuinely a chill dude to talk with. 07 and don't be a stranger.

  • Like 1

Farewell polorbear take care of yourself freind. Everyone who leaves is doing themself a good deed.

12 hours ago, Mako said:

Going to break it down since you had large paragraphs repeated

I don't hate the RnR, I just enjoy having a mild drama beef with them, the only thing I don't like is that historically nothing happens on RnR reports and it's pointless in asking SRnR to address any issues because they'll just laugh it off and continue to allow medics to break rules. It's honestly been like this since I originally joined in 2017.

I don't know what your grievances are with either Winters or Nicole but it really goes to show that you've never honestly interacted with them and can't see the backend of the faction. You don't know who isn't active, who isn't meeting their desk activities, who is getting IA'd, etc. from the outside looking in "hurr APD bad, I was removed!!" seems like an appealing thing to jump on the bandwagon however you're literally backing someone who stepped down of their own volition then lied about it for community sympathy. The 10hr minimum was meant to encourage SAPD to actually play since the desk duties they were completing were light, SAPD in the past historically put more time into the server and did their duties + some additional.

I literally got Ghosthawked by an armed medic Ghosthawk? I don't know how you can be upset about losing minor amounts of money on vehicles for a faction that literally doesn't spend any. The April Fools beef has historically led to APD vs. RnR interactions, it really isn't that personal I had a blast that day and I lost a significant amount myself. If we weren't committing war crimes against you, you would be committing war crimes against the JrAPD who didn't have a single other SAPD member on.

It's genuinely crazy how I hear from @ Marcus  that he wanted the RnR rework because he didn't like the textures Sploding made and wanted a reduced size that would allow more skins. I don't understand how you can be upset at a faction rework that expands upon what you have available requested by your leader with someone who didn't participate in the rework. It's also worth noting that the "File Size" was a major limitation considering it rivaled the APD and the APD had a larger arsenal of vehicles, the APD got reworked for the same considerations. 👮‍♂️

Have fun in retirement.

save it for your o7 post respectively

  • Admin
13 hours ago, PolarBear said:

@ Mighty  I've never been prouder to watch someone sow chaos in my name. 🙂

What are you talking about!?!?!?!? That was totally you on the AT shooting at cops. You should have been removed a long time ago!!!!!!


JK o7

13 hours ago, nicole said:

I am Senior SWAT, Senior Designer, and Developer and I still manage to make my times every week and deal with the responsibilities that come with being a Captain.


  • BlessUp 1
  • Haha 2
13 hours ago, nicole said:

I am Senior SWAT, Senior Designer, and Developer and I still manage to make my times every week and deal with the responsibilities that come with being a Captain.

no mention of having a job....🥴

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  • Cringe 1
55 minutes ago, Lucien said:

racist emoji.... classic jobless olympus player.....

I'm so happy I @ you one last time 🤣🤣🤣

  • Haha 1
15 hours ago, nicole said:

I make it a priority to play in a public channel whenever I am on cop, I am unsure where you're getting this from. 

I have just came to say this, you play in a public channel with your friends. A lot of jr APD can learn a lot from the knowledge you guys have and can share. Love to see a sAPD with those hours though!




Edited by Space Ranger
  • +1 1
  • Haha 3
  • Clown 1
9 minutes ago, Space Ranger said:

I have just came to say this, you play in a public channel with your friends. A lot of jr APD can learn a lot from the knowledge you guys have and can share. Love to see a sAPD with those hours though!




damn @ Headtaps boutta be the next Sr. APD member

  • Haha 3
46 minutes ago, Space Ranger said:

I have just came to say this, you play in a public channel with your friends. A lot of jr APD can learn a lot from the knowledge you guys have and can share. Love to see a sAPD with those hours though!




Those are public channels I am in, meaning anyone can join I don't understand what you're trying to say.

  • Jew 1
22 hours ago, Mako said:

Going to break it down since you had large paragraphs repeated

I don't hate the RnR, I just enjoy having a mild drama beef with them, the only thing I don't like is that historically nothing happens on RnR reports and it's pointless in asking SRnR to address any issues because they'll just laugh it off and continue to allow medics to break rules. It's honestly been like this since I originally joined in 2017.

I don't know what your grievances are with either Winters or Nicole but it really goes to show that you've never honestly interacted with them and can't see the backend of the faction. You don't know who isn't active, who isn't meeting their desk activities, who is getting IA'd, etc. from the outside looking in "hurr APD bad, I was removed!!" seems like an appealing thing to jump on the bandwagon however you're literally backing someone who stepped down of their own volition then lied about it for community sympathy. The 10hr minimum was meant to encourage SAPD to actually play since the desk duties they were completing were light, SAPD in the past historically put more time into the server and did their duties + some additional.

I literally got Ghosthawked by an armed medic Ghosthawk? I don't know how you can be upset about losing minor amounts of money on vehicles for a faction that literally doesn't spend any. The April Fools beef has historically led to APD vs. RnR interactions, it really isn't that personal I had a blast that day and I lost a significant amount myself. If we weren't committing war crimes against you, you would be committing war crimes against the JrAPD who didn't have a single other SAPD member on.

It's genuinely crazy how I hear from @ Marcus  that he wanted the RnR rework because he didn't like the textures Sploding made and wanted a reduced size that would allow more skins. I don't understand how you can be upset at a faction rework that expands upon what you have available requested by your leader with someone who didn't participate in the rework. It's also worth noting that the "File Size" was a major limitation considering it rivaled the APD and the APD had a larger arsenal of vehicles, the APD got reworked for the same considerations. 👮‍♂️

Have fun in retirement.

thanks for the summary i was not reading all that

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