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APD State of Affairs from an External View

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Just now, CaloomClark said:


aint no way the Bieber bowl haircut speaking rn

9 minutes ago, Clashingtin said:

Might as well lock the post 

Nah this shit gas 

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1 minute ago, Space Ranger said:

I didnt say it made you stupid, just have no right calling other people stupid


Just now, Element_ said:

aint no way the Bieber bowl haircut speaking rn

The fact that neither of these are close to the truth is just the cherry on top for me. You two, throughout every single APD/Aegis post just blatantly waffle. You believe what you want to, and just splurt it everywhere, pulling anything you can straight from your hole’s. It makes you both look like obsessed, hurt little boys. Good day, cretins.

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8 minutes ago, CaloomClark said:

The fact that neither of these are close to the truth is just the cherry on top for me. You two, throughout every single APD/Aegis post just blatantly waffle. You believe what you want to, and just splurt it everywhere, pulling anything you can straight from your hole’s. It makes you both look like obsessed, hurt little boys. Good day, cretins

idk bud it cant be as bad as being in every post riding dick, good thing they have you to downplay everything they do. Not sure where they would be without their little fan boys to follow them around. Crazy how when many different groups of people come together to show their disdain for certain people it just apparently "made up"

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Just now, Space Ranger said:

idk bud it cant be as bad as being in ever post riding dick, good thing they have you to downplay everything they do.


2 minutes ago, CaloomClark said:
4 minutes ago, Space Ranger said:

idk bud it cant be as bad as being in ever post riding dick, good thing they have you to downplay everything they do.



47 minutes ago, nicole said:

I have been there and done that! It's time for other people do it, I don't really enjoy playing the game as much these days and when I play I want to spend time with my friends as well. I also always try to play in public channels so people can join I don't really sit in unit channels lol. Either way, I am always able to be spoken to in group if anyone needs something and I will just pull them in or join their channel. 

This is the part I have the most issue with, everything else you've said has been more than fair and makes sense. If someone was inactive then I have no problem with them getting removed etc. But the issue I have is the continued distancing from the rest of the APD that Seniors like yourself have done. Everything you said in the quoted post is every reason why if you don't have the same level of enjoyment with a faction you should just retire. You would walk away with the same rank that I have. If you are not enjoying it, then all you're doing is holding a spot for another deserving person. I have no qualms with you as a person, I think you do an excellent job on this server. However, saying that it's not your position to play with Junior APD or those that aren't your friends is a major issue. This isn't a issue of, "this is how I acted as a Deputy Chief" this is an issue of just not following the true duties of a Senior. As a Senior, if you can't make a judgement on promoting someone because you don't play with them, that's a terrible precedent to set.

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28 minutes ago, Space Ranger said:

lets not talk about winters allowing mako to hand out free promos to monster when hes not even sAPD even after having removed someone for giving an ADMINISTRATOR, not active apd, a rank in which they did not achieve

When monster stepped down because he knew a ban was incoming and then served the ban and then his friends gave him his rank back

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2 minutes ago, Lucien said:


Goat said olympus can beg him to come back and he’ll think about it…

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  • Director of R&R

I will ask that we keep the thread respectful, please. No need to go at each other's necks.

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14 hours ago, ThatNerdyGuy said:

4 FTO's and you can't make a decision. Either the people aren't the right people or you're not promoting the right people to Corporal to begin with.

THIS. The amount of time that i have been in a channel where EVEN LTs say "hold on guys let me reach out to winters"! Maybe they are just clueless but I chose to believe there is such a fear of the top that is so far away that they wont want to slip up on rules that are hidden from 16 months of status updates. 

TLDR: winters is a total idiot conducting a train of scared, uniformed underlings. think pimp in vegas 

Just now, Marcus said:

No need to go at each other's necks

PS Marcus of course you would use this wording ❤️ 

2020 vibes

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  • Director of R&R
2 minutes ago, Noble said:

 PS Marcus of course you would use this wording ❤️ 

I didn't even think of it like that, I had a good laugh, lol.

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4 minutes ago, Noble said:

THIS. The amount of time that i have been in a channel where EVEN LTs say "hold on guys let me reach out to winters"! Maybe they are just clueless but I chose to believe there is such a fear of the top that is so far away that they wont want to slip up on rules that are hidden from 16 months of status updates. 

TLDR: winters is a total idiot conducting a train of scared, uniformed underlings. think pimp in vegas 

PS Marcus of course you would use this wording ❤️ 

2020 vibes


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18 minutes ago, CaloomClark said:


The fact that neither of these are close to the truth is just the cherry on top for me. You two, throughout every single APD/Aegis post just blatantly waffle. You believe what you want to, and just splurt it everywhere, pulling anything you can straight from your hole’s. It makes you both look like obsessed, hurt little boys. Good day, cretins.

 Buddy I've barely touched oly because tarkov wiped and I'm having way more fun playing that than this high school drama shit, mb for calling out bad leadership ig. 


14 hours ago, ThatNerdyGuy said:

Now, I know there was a Wiki page made for PSA's but to be completely honest, if it is regarding a rule and it's not a clarification or added context, it should just be added to the APD Handbook. This isn't difficult to understand, why have information in a multitude of areas to only make it harder for new players? That's not the goal of the Senior APD, or at least not the Senior APD I had a hand in shaping.

I had encountered this the other day with being informed "You cannot bring ghosthawks to an escort event as stated in a PSA" why the fuck would I sift through shit to find a PSA thats not in the handbook. The APD Handbook is supposed to be the end all be all and that doesn't seem to be the case as the rules stated in there are very grey or up to interpretation. With this being this way it just makes it harder for new people or old people returning to know what the actual rules are. 

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JrAPD giving SAPD constructive criticism and SAPD responding by pulling rank and saying "you don't know shit." is an awful look 

@ nicole SAPD setting the standard and leading from the front just as they should be!!!!

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2 hours ago, CaloomClark said:

i am not near getting senior... and best believe i wouldn't get on forums to suck people off for it. tbh, you don't have a clue with what goes on within the APD and so i really do not think you should be splurting bollocks from your own hopeful assumptions

i kinda want granits....

Played with you on cop a couple of times and didn’t even realise it was you without checking TS. Totally change your tone and while slamming to your knees to pipe anyone off who was corp and above at the time

You’ll get it eventually if you keep up the cock sucking, it’s the tried and tested path to becoming yet another useless forgettable sAPD member 💯💯

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Just now, Boovin said:

Played with you on cop a couple of times and didn’t even realise it was you without checking TS. Totally change your tone and while slamming to your knees to pipe anyone off who was corp and above at the time

You’ll get it eventually if you keep up the cock sucking, it’s the tried and tested path to becoming yet another useless forgettable sAPD member 💯💯

well that just isn't true in the slightest ahahahhahah

  • Developer II

I really like @ -Shawn- 's post. I have a lot of friends who are sAPD, so I do not want the following of what I say next to be taken as criticism regarding recent choices they may or may not have made.

I would like to mention though as someone who held the rank of PO for a long time and only recieved my exemptions recently that @ King  was a great APD member who spent a lot of time playing with lower ranks. King was a friendly face that made people joyfull to hop into a channel and play. Considering that the rule that he was being reprimanded for was also implied not written, along with his long time in grade and consistent activity, I would be a large supporter of him being given an exemption rank of Sergeant; the previous rank he was before his removal.

Disciplinary actions like these set precidenets to justify future disciplinary action taken. King had 483 days of time in grade, and from the persepective of my eyes, was a near flawless member of the APD who always met his mininums. I think that he deserves better, and that those who will be reprimanded for similar infractions deserve to be treated with the same level of generousity and compassion. We all screw up, as I am sure one day I am going to too. Having lighter verdicts in cases like these would resolve a lot of fear people have of "screwing up". Not to say that people shouldn't be worried about breaking handbook rules, they just shouldn't have to fear for their ranks even when the infractions themselves are within low-severity or are small in relation to their time in grade.

I have a lot of really good friends that are sAPD, and I would not have my rank of Staff Sergeant if it was not for their help. Those friends deserve their ranks and I have enjoyed playing under their leadership. However I also really like King as a friend, and as a Sergeant in the APD.

Lastly I agree with @ Marcus . I encourage everyone to remember we are all friends here that enjoy playing the same game 🙂.

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An example of something that should be added to the APD Handbook would be that the Air Hospital is considered a part of the Federal Reserve rings. This is not noted in game or in the handbook, but was a PSA on a status update months ago. The thought that someone should flip through countless status updates is beyond ridiculous and shows either a clear intent to not show transparency or a glaring overlook. @ Winters  @ nicole  @ Rexo  @ Caden  @ Xlax

This is beyond ridiculous to go back to almost a year ago for this:


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Just now, ThatNerdyGuy said:

An example of something that should be added to the APD Handbook would be that the Air Hospital is considered a part of the Federal Reserve rings. This is not noted in game or in the handbook, but was a PSA on a status update months ago. The thought that someone should flip through countless status updates is beyond ridiculous and shows either a clear intent to not show transparency or a glaring overlook. @ Winters  @ nicole  @ Rexo  @ Caden  @ Xlax

This is beyond ridiculous to go back to almost a year ago for this:


We have this on the FTO training guide 

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Just now, Clashingtin said:

We have this on the FTO training guide 

Which isn't the handbook.

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