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Roundtable Summary 2024-09-21



Approved Ideas:


Gang Bases split days & rule update

Gang Turf rewards randomly rotate

  • The rewards for the turfs will be done like Gang Base instead of static

Pop-up drug dealer

  • Appears on the map at random locations for an hour when the server population is 80+
  • Regular redzone for all factions
  • Taxes from cartels not applied (fuck the British we got another tea party)

Vigi Warrant System

  • Tier 4+
  • Warrant lasts 30 minutes, Cooldown 1 hour
  • 2km diameter (same as APD)
  • 350k+ bounties only & costs 50k to start

MXM & MXSW added to Vigilante Renown shop

  • 7 renown points for MXSW
  • 5 renown points for MXM

Relocate AA position at Federal Reserve to NW dome (Trial period two months)

Player Duels

  • the player initiates a duel through the Windows key menu (same concept as coinflips)
  • players fight right where they started with the gear they have on them
  • can duel for money
  • leaderboard for top duelists
  • no event protection

Hatchback Races

  • TLDR: take staff-hosted hatchback race and allow civilians to start it and put wages on the races
  • no event protection


Hellcat Bench for CPL+

  • Price increases from 300k to 500k offset the benefits and prevent the other vehicles (Hellcat, Hummingbird) from being completely useless.

Authorize lethals off escort truck

  • QOL for when more APD join mid escort event and nowhere near an HQ


On-route player's hex visible from anywhere

  • QOL allows the medic who on-routed to see the dead players hex from anywhere on the map instead of having to shift-click where their body is.

Timer added to map for house fires

Denied Ideas:


Prevention of suicide vests at gang bases & turfs

  • poll decided for them to stay

Restrict APD from utilizing smoke variant vehicles first two waves


Faction XP System

  • Needs simulation + stats + large writeup for the work going into this. Will be re-addressed when all of the building blocks are in place.

3 Officers tased allow APD to go any means

  • this is very loose ended and gives the APD too much power in regards to their response of getting tased.

FTO ability to utilize Staff SGT gear at Aidrop/Escorts

  • Internal APD stuff needs to be worked on first before discussion

Bergen Backpack for CPL+

  • Already buffed when we gave vests virtual weight, Carrier lites give Corporals 18 virtual, the Bergen would compound an additional 20 to that. APD don't have to purchase items on respawn nor a backpack.

Sgt+ can authorize lethals from Y menu

  • Load lethals mid-fed wave LOL

Rework Escort loot pool to remove mags

Change Space Capsule rules

  • Don't want to encourage APD to come to the event more as most of the activity is bums with PDWs. It doesn't spawn enough nor is it contested enough to allow the same rules befitting of the Veh Airdrop to be applied.


Faction XP System

  • Needs simulation + stats + large writeup for the work going into this. Will be re-addressed when all of the building blocks are in place.

Faction Daily Login Rewards

  • Not enough info provided, will be re-addressed when more is provided


Recommended Comments



Seems silly to "own" a town that gives benefits 19 kilometers away

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