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Roundtable Summary 2024-12-7



Approved ideas:


Art Gallery rework

  • Relocation/Redesign
  • 3 different rooms with paintings to rob
  • Place a duffel bag in a room and it will rob the paintings in that room, placing the robbed ones in the duffel bag
  • Would require a distance cap that the civ can go from the duffel bag (100m? really depends on the design concept)
  • At any point during the robbery, you can stop and dip with what you have robbed so far & it would cancel the robbery
  • APD gets paid for stopping the robbery (short animation to seal/seize the duffel bags after calling the situation clear)
  • maybe 2 minutes forced to call it clear like an airdrop?

Cook-off event/run

  • Taken from the concept of Cook-off from Payday 2
  • Interactive run where you cook drugs that can either pay you out well or if you fuck up you will be punished
    • can cook the batch properly and get a great pay day
    • can fuck up and blow up the place
    • can fuck up and gas yourself
    • etc. 😄

Taru pod added to advanced rebel shop

  • a storage device that can be picked up/slung by aerial vehicles
  • will be stored/accessed like a vehicle in the garage
  • holds 360 storage

Extra trunk upgrade to gang xp system

Mx & MX3GL added for 40 renown points (Vigi)

Guaranteed titan spawn at BW, Spawn 2 vests, pcovs changed to granit/csat at BW

Script restriction for APD to drop items within the federal rings

  • List will show only illegal items to avoid hacky work-arounds of this system.

Gang Perk to have a change to keep restraints on use

  • 25/50/75% @ 1/2/3 tokens



Jump spot added to NW tower - temporary 1 month trial

Add a hint when APD Dispatches are being sent during active federal events

Add AMS to APD weapon shop (client mod scope not the actual AMS)


Forest Fires

Add a distance bonus from a hospital capping at $15k for an individual medic. - Based on distance from hospital 1km = $1k

R&R boat shop to Neo

Denied ideas:


Cartel Stache- TLDR: a similar concept of Black market crates but for cartels that is based on player pop/interaction with the "event"

  • Basically a Blackmarket crate, recommendation is to just do those instead. This realistically wouldn't bring any if all people to contest the cache.

Hidden ID Balaclava

  • Veto'd by staff due to engagement issues

Mk200 Hummingbird added as airdrop vehicle

  • currently no infrastructure to have multiple armed vehicle types with different weapons. This is being worked on but this idea is still denied.

Change 10 renown points for 200k bounties --> 5 renown points for 100k bounties

  • Goes against the inception point of adding the Renown points.

Reduce mar10 mags to 15k
Add a license to triple-process drugs



Remove cap on armor for WEEKEND air drops only

Make the Misuse Emergency system charge non payable at a courthouse



Jet Ski's added to vehicle shop

Increase base pay by 5k

Vehicle cost adjustments

  • Mohawk 800k → 650k
  • Kajman 947.5k → 700k


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